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Charles Green: There is an 'agenda' against Rangers in Scottish football

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Sorry cal but "now is not the time for an orange strip" had me literally shaking my head in disbelief. So, we have also been associated with the colour blue for 140 years, so we shouldnt be wearing blue ?


Now I'm shaking my head in disbelief. You're deliberately playing dumb to try and make a point. Let's at least talk about it sensibly.


I talked about appropriateness. Wearing your normal colours is appropriate - including Dundee Utd and Motherwell.



We have been associated with the Orange Lodge, rightly or wrongly. But that shouldnt mean we should be dictated to in our choice of colour for strips.


We have a minefield of do and don'ts to navigate in life to get on. You may call that being dictated to, others see it as prudence. Sometimes it's best to do things for the right reasons and avoid doing things for the wrong reasons. I can't believe I'm writing something so obvious but people seem to be avoiding common sense in this debate.


Sometimes you have to look like you know how to behave as well as actually behaving. It's time to show a bit of sophistication in that we know it will wind certain people up and when that's the only reason you're doing it you lose a lot of class. It's petty and immature you know it and all you're argument is doing is showing a lack of sophistication - the greater understanding of things.


I don't know where the wisdom is in the attitude that just because someone tells us not to do something means we should do it. A mature person will realise when he's wound someone up with something for a while, when a serious time comes it's best to avoid that unless it's absolutely necessary. This is a serious time, and time to act accordingly.


When you're shown to be the most unpopular boy in the club and get kicked out, it's time to stop playing the fool and make new friends. There are plenty of other actual shades of Rangers colours to choose from so what exactly is the problem?



The OO nonsense is being perpetuated by the Tims as much as it is by Bears. Lest we forget that we had an away strip which was predominantly white but with red ant blue diagonal stripes which looked like a sash.... was it a sash ? Course it wasnt. It was our traditional colours. Were we pilloried for it ? YES. With good reason ? No.


That problem is owned by them and is a time to appropriately ignore it. If we made one like an OO sash that would be a different issue. It's judgement calls that need to be made.


If you wave a red rag to a bull and they attack you, you have to question your judgement. If you stand still in brown clothes and it attacks you, it's not your judgement that is at fault.


Sorry but as BD says, Orange is a vibrant, happy colour and I fail to see why we should be using it, so long as the design looks decent. The only colour I would have an issue with is green, and that is simply because I dont like the colour, nothing to do with Celtic, Tims, religion or politics, it just isnt a colour I like.


Well if the 3rd strip is to avoid clashes then I dont know of too many teams in Scotland using orange, so it could be a wise choice of colour for purely practical reasons, would it not ?


I already mentioned Dundee Utd and Motherwell but if that's the real consideration then I think pink suits your criterion better as is probably the least likely to clash...


You finish with "whats the harm" yet apparently using orange would be causing harm and offence......


To my mind the only harm and offence caused would be to the mock perma-raged Tims. And let them rage. Orange is not a colour which is used solely for the Orange Lodge, last I checked. There isnt always a need to see the sinister in everything. Least not for me there isnt.


Like the red hand salute, sometimes behaving in a good way also extends to even avoiding looking like you're not behaving even if you are. It's not about Celtic, it's how we look to everyone else.


When you just look petty and antagonistic as well as pandering to the less acceptable type of fan to everyday society, then you're just going to be in contempt with your peers.


It's like that in all walks of life if you want to make friends and influence people. I need to look out that bank advert on youtube...

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Now I'm shaking my head in disbelief. You're deliberately playing dumb to try and make a point. Let's at least talk about it sensibly.


I talked about appropriateness. Wearing your normal colours is appropriate - including Dundee Utd and Motherwell.





We have a minefield of do and don'ts to navigate in life to get on. You may call that being dictated to, others see it as prudence. Sometimes it's best to do things for the right reasons and avoid doing things for the wrong reasons. I can't believe I'm writing something so obvious but people seem to be avoiding common sense in this debate.


Sometimes you have to look like you know how to behave as well as actually behaving. It's time to show a bit of sophistication in that we know it will wind certain people up and when that's the only reason you're doing it you lose a lot of class. It's petty and immature you know it and all you're argument is doing is showing a lack of sophistication - the greater understanding of things.


I don't know where the wisdom is in the attitude that just because someone tells us not to do something means we should do it. A mature person will realise when he's wound someone up with something for a while, when a serious time comes it's best to avoid that unless it's absolutely necessary. This is a serious time, and time to act accordingly.


When you're shown to be the most unpopular boy in the club and get kicked out, it's time to stop playing the fool and make new friends. There are plenty of other actual shades of Rangers colours to choose from so what exactly is the problem?





That problem is owned by them and is a time to appropriately ignore it. If we made one like an OO sash that would be a different issue. It's judgement calls that need to be made.


If you wave a red rag to a bull and they attack you, you have to question your judgement. If you stand still in brown clothes and it attacks you, it's not your judgement that is at fault.




I already mentioned Dundee Utd and Motherwell but if that's the real consideration then I think pink suits your criterion better as is probably the least likely to clash...




Like the red hand salute, sometimes behaving in a good way also extends to even avoiding looking like you're not behaving even if you are. It's not about Celtic, it's how we look to everyone else.


When you just look petty and antagonistic as well as pandering to the less acceptable type of fan to everyday society, then you're just going to be in contempt with your peers.


It's like that in all walks of life if you want to make friends and influence people. I need to look out that bank advert on youtube...


At the end of the day it is a colour. One you are suggesting is being done to pander to our fans, which may or may not be correct. You dont know. You cant know. Unless you asked Charles Green yourself.


But why should we be so politically correct anyway ? All of a sudden we need to turn Timmy-like and want everyone to be our best buddies ? Calscot, I tell you this, we could be holier than Mother Theresa and the rest of Scottish football will still despise us. I am pretty sure of it. Even when we accepted our fate and actually REQUESTED, as a fanbase, to be demoted to the bottom tier there were plenty still putting the boot in, and still are, saying that the punishment isnt severe enough.


Up against all of that... you think that our choice of colour for 3rd strip is something of such importance, and that it will gain us friends, or at the least not have us gain more enemies ? I dont hold out nearly as much hope as you do.


The red hand salute you mention is a good example. Nothing inappropriate about it at all - the media created it as a Nazi salute and it took legs and ran thanks to the media and the very organised Celtic fan groups. I dont see what was wrong with the salute, still dont. I will admit that it looked bad to the viewing audience.... but do you honestly believe that an orange kit will be conveyed as anything other than just an "away strip" anywhere other than Scotland ?


We had the Oranje final as a thank you to our Dutch contingent and even that was construed as being a salute to the OO. See, it doesnt matter WHAT we wear or what we do, there is an organised agenda out there just waiting to beat us up. If it wasnt orange but black, or purple, or whatever colour - people would find fault.


SO you will have to excuse me if I wont be in the least bit bothered if our 3rd strip this year is orange. Not everyone sees the connection as being with the OO - and you will never convince the detractors that it isnt.


It really shouldnt be a big issue.

Edited by craig
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