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Charles Green: There is an 'agenda' against Rangers in Scottish football

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Seems to me that if the queue is so big they should make it easier on the fans. Like let them collect a numbered ticket like Argos and go sit in the stadium with the big screens on with something entertaining on, which flashes the numbers up in the corner when you're tenth next or something, so that you can go and join a much shorter queue.


with tea and biscuits of course.

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I just think its great he's actually came out of his office to talk to the fans, can you imagine the baldy twat doing that in years gone by. He looked at Rangers fans like we were something he had stepped on in the street.


As for him speaking out in our defence good on him the dignified silence doesn't work in the new world of the Internet, you have to fight your corner to get your view across so keep it up Charlie. The Rangers haters have had it way to easy in this country for years, time for some payback.

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That's a question we need to ask ourselves - and stopping any OO nonsense would take away their stick. Why give them a big stick to start with?




I haven't seen anyone advocating the "dignified silence". You don't have to be silent to be dignified. We need to challenge them and our detractors at every step - but with dignity. And if some of our fans got over themselves and their childish "right to do what I like" we would make massive strides in backing up those challenges.


The people in glass houses thing goes both ways, so why are we living in a crystal palace?




Come on, now is not the time for an orange strip. It says a lot about them that they are offended by a mere colour but surely we have the intelligence to know when to leave something be. Perhaps you'd be happy with a green third strip as it would certainly be different - or would that colour offend YOU?


I think the first purpose of a third strip is to avoid clashes with striped shirted teams. Eg If we have a blue home and a white away strip, what do we wear against Kilmarnock or St Johnstone? However, I think we all know it's also a marketing ploy to sell more shirts which is why we end up wearing it when we don't need to. But no-one makes you buy and a good bit of the money goes to the club so what's the harm?


Sorry cal but "now is not the time for an orange strip" had me literally shaking my head in disbelief. So, we have also been associated with the colour blue for 140 years, so we shouldnt be wearing blue ? We have been associated with the Orange Lodge, rightly or wrongly. But that shouldnt mean we should be dictated to in our choice of colour for strips.


The OO nonsense is being perpetuated by the Tims as much as it is by Bears. Lest we forget that we had an away strip which was predominantly white but with red ant blue diagonal stripes which looked like a sash.... was it a sash ? Course it wasnt. It was our traditional colours. Were we pilloried for it ? YES. With good reason ? No.


Sorry but as BD says, Orange is a vibrant, happy colour and I fail to see why we should be using it, so long as the design looks decent. The only colour I would have an issue with is green, and that is simply because I dont like the colour, nothing to do with Celtic, Tims, religion or politics, it just isnt a colour I like.


Well if the 3rd strip is to avoid clashes then I dont know of too many teams in Scotland using orange, so it could be a wise choice of colour for purely practical reasons, would it not ?


You finish with "whats the harm" yet apparently using orange would be causing harm and offence......


To my mind the only harm and offence caused would be to the mock perma-raged Tims. And let them rage. Orange is not a colour which is used solely for the Orange Lodge, last I checked. There isnt always a need to see the sinister in everything. Least not for me there isnt.

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Today when just about all Rangers fans are happy and proud of the season ticket sales, we still have one here not happy and still wanting people not to buy them. Un-real.


There will always be one CG, in every family there is always one who goes against the grain. It is what makes us great :D

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