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Is Ally the Man for the job? - The McCoist Thread

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No point cotter. The folk who want to moan about and ultimately get rid of Ally will just start another one and another one and another one. That's why it all goes in this one place now.


I wouldn't say "The Ally Doubters" just come on here to moan for moanings sake, we have genuine concerns about the way the football side of the club is heading or not heading as the case maybe. I really hope Ally proves me wrong, but he's shown me nothing in 18 months to make me believe anything will change, or that Auchenhowie has changed the way it operates.

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I wouldn't say "The Ally Doubters" just come on here to moan for moanings sake


I didn't say they did though Allan! I'm just pointing out that this thread will stay open so that we don't have dozens of threads about doubting the manager. It can all just go in this one place.

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Tin hat on, chin-strap securely fastened, here goes -


Deficiencies, Failings & Questions -

...from the worry merchants, the paranoid & delusional, the prophets of doom, the coffin nailers, the soap box brigade in general we're told we need or don't need the following, depending on the source -

ethos, philosophy, blueprints, tactics & tactical awareness, mind-sets, performances, common denominators, bigger picture(s), new identities, can he take us forward, or building for the future in Europe.......... the criticisms, unrealistic expectations go on & on & on........


On Philosophy -

Bill Struth has given us all the philosophy we need IMHO


Great expectations -

Future = 2, 3, 5, 10 years, Europe, take your pick, it's one week at a time for me. Bring on Saturday at 3 o'clock.


Character building is a work in progress, and it started July 29th.

Reality = 9wins, 1 loss, 3 draws (not a bad set of statistics considering where and how we started the season, IMHO)


Ally McCoist, Ian Durrant, Kenny McDowell and the 26 first team players are all we've got for the foreseeable future. Fortunate are we to have so many that must be the envy of the SPL. We may need to look to the Reserves & Youth before the season is out. I hope there are a few more gems in there like MacLeod, McKay, Aird etc.


Beautiful game you say !?

............. you're having a laugh, this is the SFL3.

Down-right ugly, raw, brutal at times certainly, but it shows just as much excitement, passion, flashes of brilliance, quality, style, and pure entertainment for me, than the SPL.

There's a lot less diving, and Oscar winning performances than I saw from Barcelona & Co this week too.

But not up to the standard of the Junior Cup Final, Auckinleck v Shotts Bon Accord on some days. Fact, reality, get over it. It's the agony & ecstasy of fitba'.................... just enjoy the ride. Please keep the toys in the pram, thank-you.


Give it time, have faith, patience, tolerance, understanding, May is a long way off.

To get the juice out of the orange - you have to have it in the palm of your hand. Kicking it doesn't get the same result.


Ally has earned the right to our respect on & off the field, let us as fans show some character and stand behind our men & boys!


My tumbler is more than half full, is yours? (no doubt you'll tell me what's in it)




P.S. please don't mention last year, or Walter, that was then, this is now,

onward to yesterday.

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