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Is Ally the Man for the job? - The McCoist Thread

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agree with most of that craig. far too much to reply to it all so take this as a general thumbs up! :thup:


also steven craigan is one of us believe it or not!


Didnt realise he was one of us. Certainly does a good job of disguising it :D



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if it was an isolated incident i would have no problem but this constant harranging is getting tiresome, frankly i am sick of it craig.


What constant haranguing? I posted on this thread for possibly the first time today, certainly the first time in ages. I posted in response to Jauncornetto. It was you who chose to engage me not the other way round.


Craig, for the record I don't know Kuznetsov, I've never knowingly spoke or met him, all I know about him is what I read on here. His hard-on for McCoist is wearisome, his grasp of tactics tenuous and his admiration for Celtic flawed in my opinion. Sometimes I ignore them and other times I challenge or engage him on them. I don't feel there is anything wrong with that. I always start off playing the ball not the man, how the game goes after that isn't just my decision.

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this constant harranging is getting tiresome, frankly i am sick of it


If Ally McCoist read the forum he'd say that about you! :basher::seal:

Edited by Zappa
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To suggest that in order to criticise anybody you have to be able to do their job is ludicrous and infantile.


Does anybody think they could actually be a better PM than Cameron? If the answers no then by the logic displayed in this thread you can never again criticise the PM or in fact any other politician (unless you happen to be one). Fans and paying customers should be able to vent and criticise McCoist without being subjected to the "could you do it any better?" nonsense.


For the record I don't think McCoist is the man for the job in the long term, there are other qualified and capable people that could deliver the tactics and performances and who could develop the pool of young players we've got into something resembling an SPL level side. Until it becomes an issue though McCoist has earned his shot.


Eh, and who suggested that?


If someone says they could do a better job than Cameron, McCoist or anyone, I think it's fair to ask for their credentials.


Maybe it's better to read the thread and understand the points before jumping in half arsed and throwing insults around... :rolleyes:

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"Prime example today of why people have doubts."



So give us your play by play on how 'you' would have changed the game.

Half time talk, team shape for the second half, subs - who comes off and why, who goes on and why etc., etc.?


"The emblem of the critic is the dung beetle that lives on other peoples shite", Mark Twain


"A leech in the locks of literature", Robert Burns

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