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Is Ally the Man for the job? - The McCoist Thread

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You're another one who struggles to read. I've no problem with you having an opinion but when it's clearly ignorant nonsense you should be criticised for it. We've over 180 pages of proof that you've not got any insight into professional football management or tactics.


personal insults now. 99.9% of the time a sign of weakness. pathetic.

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personal insults now. 99.9% of the time a sign of weakness. pathetic.

How is it a personal insult? I'm criticising your views on football tactics not you personally.

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i am offended by your bile. put me on ignore please, i have no desire to get into an argument.

Don't tell me what to do. If you've no desire to get into an argument then why do you post on a messageboard, do you expect people to solemnly nod at your sage-like posts? I've no issue with you personally because I don't know you, I disagree with some of your views on football. Get over it.

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i am not expecting perfection, far from it. now i need to watch what i say here. lets just say, the things that made me apprehensive about ally taking the job are still there, the things which made me want him removed are still there as well.


I actually dont think too many would disagree with you. It may not seem like it but I would suggest that the vast majority of us still are sceptical of whether Ally will come good or not. But there were signs there last season when we started out with one of, if not our best, start to a season EVER, domestically at least... under his guidance. Yes, Europe was a different story, admittedly. Performances werent perfect but it was the start of the season. The wheels fell off for sure but administration still had a part to play. We may very well still have lost the league but at the time we went into admin we were only 4 points behind and very much still in it. The loss of our top scorer and also, IMO, best player, certainly didnt help. So there have, IMO, been some signs that he could still come good.


This season has been far from perfect - but I personally would wait until he has had a chance to sign the players he wants - lets also not forget that the players he signed last pre-season were not his 1st choices, regardless of Craig Whyte's claims of getting players in, he didnt appear to let McCoist bring in the players he wanted. So, again, he never really got to bring in hiw 1st and, if some are to be believed, even his 2nd choice players.


It is a delicate balance because we all want better-than-SPL players brought in but it is still going to be tough until back at the top table and many dont want him here to manage us there. I personally would still like him to be given the opportunity to bring in the players he wants (within financial reason) and not his 2nd or 3rd choices and see how he gets on.


Given what he went through for the club I certainly believe he at least deserves the chance to prove himself. I know some will disagree with that which is fair enough. But I think he has earned that chance.


with all our resources i dont think we can honestly gage just where we are. we are so much better than who we are beating just now. matches against spl clubs is a better guide. 1 win, 1 heavy defeat so far, the dundee utd will tell us alot about where we are in a way the sfl3 cannot.


Come on kuznetsov, you are better than this. "1 win, 1 heavy defeat" - at least be balanced here. Far more accurate would be "1 heavy win, 1 heavy defeat". We absolutely HOSED Motherwell in that game - it was 2-0 going on 4 or 5. The ICT defeat was one in which the 1st goal was always crucial and both teams had chances. The 1st half was pretty even, but when ICT went in front they never looked like relinquishing that lead. But we were far more competitive against ICT than Motherwell were against us. So at least be fair.


I would agree that the DU game will tell us where we are... but, again, lets be honest - we are a club that are TRYING to sign SPL standard players into the FOURTH tier of Scottish football. Yes, our financial resources are better than any other club aside from one in Scotland, but as we saw with McGowan, many players wont want to come to us for various reasons. Most that do, money is talking in the first instance, which is fair enough too. And then we also have a heavy reliance on youths too. But it is also going to be difficult for us to raise the levels we need to from playing SFL 3 all season to these one-off games against SPL teams. Just look at how Hibs did when they had such a heavy reliance on kids... they were relegated and struggled in the SPL. At this moment in time that is, sadly, where we are.


I am not trying to defend defeats against SPL teams, not at all. These are just facts.


i dont think you can blindly say the tactics are working when we are struggling at times to beat team and players who are valued at and paid a fraction of what our players are. in fact, even in victory, i would argue it isnt working and maybe that is why i am so negative.


But we ARE beating them. So clearly the tactics are working. Kuznetsov, you know as well as I do that what a player is valued at and paid is not always indicative of the results or performances you will get. I have kids play for me who arent the most talented yet they show up very well on a weekly basis because of their desire. These farmers, milkmen etc that we are playing against see an incredible opportunity to impress against the biggest club in the country, and often on national TV. That is a hugely motivational tool for them. Should we be good enough to beat them convincingly ? Yes, of course we should. But are football results determined based on a players value or what they are paid ? No, it isnt. Just ask Real Madrid.


to take you question to me craig. "would you have readily admitted your own preferred tactics were wrong ? Or would you have blamed the personnel being out of position ?" if the 11 men were played in there correct positions and we had not won of course i am man enough to admit i would have been wrong, however i dont believe we would have lost or drawn. i am positive enough to believe we would have won much more comfortably and also enjoyed the game more. football is not a difficult sport, players will play better when they feel more comfortable and secure in where they are playing and what they are being asked to do.


Templeton playing in behind a striker isnt a big stretch for him, or at least it shouldnt be. Hegarty is versatile enough to play either RB OR CB, and in fact he impressed earlier in the season playing at RB. Crawford played RM and McCoist wont be the first nor the last to take a young lad and play him out of position to bleed him in by putting him in a position of least danger. Is it right ? Probably not. But he will still benefit from the experience. Someone like Sandaza SHOULD be able to play up front on his own and, in fact, he did so to decent effect when he was at Dundee Utd.


I do, however, agree.... it seems to be a common trait at Rangers (by that I mean McCoist is by no means the first nor will he be the last manager to play players out of position). The much lauded Advocaat played Albertz out of position (but still got performances from him) and he played van Bronkhorst out of position too (and got performances from him too) - but you only need to look at the standard of player we are considering to realise the difference between then and now....


My biggest peeve is that McCoist (and Smith before him) seem to make it a habit of shoe-horning players into the team. Ian Black has done VERY LITTLE (in my opinion) to warrant a starting berth yet he continually is picked. Incorrect decision IMO. Little is most effective through the middle and is more mobile than Sandaza... so play him there. But, that said, I am merely picking faults because I am looking at who I think would be the best starting XI.... without ANY consideration for the opposition. And you DO have to consider the opposition too.


i said lost a year because i believe, and steven craigan agrees with me here, our players are playing well within themselves, sometimes they are not even playing at all. they can do more, much more and we can be better, much better. i just dont believe in the management team, i believe they and we should be doing better, and that is not me harping on about the same thing again. it is in direct response to craigs post and is meant as an honest reply with no offense meant to anyone reading.


To be fair, Craigan isnt the best judge of anyone. Doesnt like us so wants to find fault in us. But that will be as it may. Again, this discussion has been had before.... the manager stands and falls by what his players do (as Ally himself has admitted) - but at what point do the players take personal responsibility for "playing within themselves or not even playing at all". Yes, McCoist will make the ultimate sacrifice if that continues. And if he has to make that sacrifice then the whole squad ("win together, lose together") should hang their heads in shame. People like Jig I think plays for the jersey - doesnt always play well but wears his heart on his sleeve... and he is playing for the club of his dreams, doing what we all would love to do.... sadly there arent enough with that same willingness to work.


You could bring in a different manager and get the exact same results. If you have players being lazy there is no guarantee that a new manager would get more out of them, especially with a transfer embargo in place.




I wouldnt take any offence to any of your posts kuznetsov, and I know you are being politically correct :thup:


I dont think there is anything wrong with your post above, it is an honest assessment of where you think we are. And much as though I agree with you that football is a simple game, there are many facets to it that you and I could never hope to be involved in. How many times have you coached a team and watched them play miserably ? I had my U10 play two games in consecutive weeks and they played some terrific stuff (despite being of, as Burley would say, "limited ability) - ball on the ground, neat one-two, creating a bunch of chanes.... and then the next week they play miserably, I mean awful.... no energy, terrible passing, not tracking back etc etc... and in trying to find out why.... I ask them "who went to bed late last night" - almost every single one of them went to bed at midnight or later.... now, I know professionals shouldnt be doing that anyway, but my point is that we just dont know what is going on in their personal life, professional life, carrying niggling injuries etc etc - and these are things that we as fans wouldnt necessarily detect.


I guess my point is that there are things that go on in the background that we dont know about which could be affecting the players, management, and team selection.


Again, not looking to defend, but merely highlighting we as fans are not in full knowledge of what happens at the football club.

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just level 1 and 2 for coaching kids, i got them years ago when i was much younger. i miss it, i havnt coached for years due to other things going on in my life.


the way you describe it, i am impressed too. :)


The prrof will be in the pudding, so to speak :D


I AM impressed though. The guy I am dealing with has been at the club for 10 years and has also kindly said that he would probably let me shadow some of his training sessions when I am next back, and also will try to get me a Murray Park tour. Result ! I am fully expecting to be offered McCoist's job after a single training session :thup:;)

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The prrof will be in the pudding, so to speak :D


I AM impressed though. The guy I am dealing with has been at the club for 10 years and has also kindly said that he would probably let me shadow some of his training sessions when I am next back, and also will try to get me a Murray Park tour. Result ! I am fully expecting to be offered McCoist's job after a single training session :thup:;)


nice one, have a great time craig.

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Come on guys. Season of goodwill. Can we not accept each of us have differing views and move on ?


if it was an isolated incident i would have no problem but this constant harranging is getting tiresome, frankly i am sick of it craig.

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