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Is Ally the Man for the job? - The McCoist Thread

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Not exempt but imo the fault is lies more with tactics, formation and team selection rather than the 11 players on the pitch at the moment.


Can you explain what tactics are stopping professional players from beating a lesser talented team?


Someone will mention the long ball but funnily enough, in all the games I watched there was very few long balls except from Alexander - and that seemed to be his personal preference rather than any tactics. Besides, shouldn't these players be able to win the ball in the air?


I'm sorry but I see little evidence of us playing badly due to tactics. I'm sure the tactics are not to pass badly, lose the ball easily, and to defend ineptly. What are the penalty tactics that lost us the shoot-out?


Our team should really be able to win no matter what the tactics are. Unfortunately they don't seem to be playing consistently well, while the opposition are playing out of their skins.

Edited by calscot
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utterly irrelevant. reasons for keeping a manager can almost exclusively be found on the field of play.


So you have been relaxed about Ally not attending all these SFA and SPL meetings with Green? You weren't waiting for Ally to say whether season tickets should be bought? You think that he should not be making statements about EBTs and the stealing of titles? Aye right.

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So you have been relaxed about Ally not attending all these SFA and SPL meetings with Green? You weren't waiting for Ally to say whether season tickets should be bought? You think that he should not be making statements about EBTs and the stealing of titles? Aye right.


None of that is reason to keep someone in such an important job, all the same stuff could be done in an ambassadorial role.

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utterly irrelevant. reasons for keeping a manager can almost exclusively be found on the field of play.


The professionals would disagree with you. And by professionals I mean people who have been employed by UEFA, have sports psychology degrees and have won some of Europe's top trophies as a first team coach.


And that is from the horse's mouth. The Lille chairman (and Lille have been pretty successful in France) actually intimated that of the top 6 reasons to hire, and then keep, a manager only TWO of them would be what happened ont he field of play (to win and secondarily to play well). The other 4 were all off -field and included dealings with the press, how they conduct themselves with other clubs and associations.


I suspect that you believe what you are saying, but funnily enough those with 40 years of actual involvement on the professional side of the game would disagree.

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Can you explain what tactics are stopping professional players from beating a lesser talented team?


Someone will mention the long ball but funnily enough, in all the games I watched there was very few long balls except from Alexander - and that seemed to be his personal preference rather than any tactics. Besides, shouldn't these players be able to win the ball in the air?


I'm sorry but I see little evidence of us playing badly due to tactics. I'm sure the tactics are not to pass badly, lose the ball easily, and to defend ineptly. What are the penalty tactics that lost us the shoot-out?


Our team should really be able to win no matter what the tactics are. Unfortunately they don't seem to be playing consistently well, while the opposition are playing out of their skins.


Then you have to question the man management if you really think tactics have nothing to do with it.

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The professionals would disagree with you. And by professionals I mean people who have been employed by UEFA, have sports psychology degrees and have won some of Europe's top trophies as a first team coach.


And that is from the horse's mouth. The Lille chairman (and Lille have been pretty successful in France) actually intimated that of the top 6 reasons to hire, and then keep, a manager only TWO of them would be what happened ont he field of play (to win and secondarily to play well). The other 4 were all off -field and included dealings with the press, how they conduct themselves with other clubs and associations.


I suspect that you believe what you are saying, but funnily enough those with 40 years of actual involvement on the professional side of the game would disagree.


The likes of Jose Mourinho, Sir Alex Ferguson, Brian Clough have upset the press, authorities and other clubs plenty of times, who has actually ever cared? The point above all else is they're successful, were in the case of Clough obviously.

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The likes of Jose Mourinho, Alex Ferguson, Brian Clough have upset the press, authorities and other clubs plenty of times, who has actually ever cared?


Club chairmen ?


I will take the word of someone who has been behind the scenes in the game for an extended period of time over ANY of us on this forum, myself included.

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Was Harry Redknapp sacked at Spurs for what took place on the field of play ? They finished 4th in the league, highest position for ages and payed some good stuff - what were the reasons he was sacked ?

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Club chairmen ?


I will take the word of someone who has been behind the scenes in the game for an extended period of time over ANY of us on this forum, myself included.

Yet i've just given you prime examples of where it hasn't mattered at all, otherwise Mourinho wouldn't have managed the clubs he has, Ferguson wouldn't have got the Man Utd job, so i'd take whatever the Lille chairman says as his own view more than anything. And I still doubt he'd turn down Mourinho.

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