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Is Ally the Man for the job? - The McCoist Thread

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tell me then what manager worth his salt would wa nt to manage in the spl division three , lets give ally our backing .


See I've got a problem with this new propaganda drive that nobody would want this job because we are a Div3 team going nowhere. I thnk you will find that managers will take the same view that the players have, it's Rangers and they want in on the journey.

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and you are a forum administrator? i would get banned if i lowered myself to that crap.


Acting precious again are we ?


Telling anyone that disagrees with your opinion they talk crap and then getting precious when someone calls you out ?


I stand by what I said, you were being facetious. I still don't see you showing me which parts were untrue though.

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and you are a forum administrator? i would get banned if i lowered myself to that crap.


And, by the way, I am entitled to my opinion the same as everyone else is, or does a forum admin not get an opinion these days.


Also, you wouldn't have been banned for it, no matter how much mock offense you show.

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Acting precious again are we ?


Telling anyone that disagrees with your opinion they talk crap and then getting precious when someone calls you out ?


I stand by what I said, you were being facetious. I still don't see you showing me which parts were untrue though.


what you said was true, what i couldnt believe is you were pinning our embarassing exits solely on a select few players. it was a collective failing from the manager to hsi coaches and his players. both euro exits were a disgrace but a sure sign of what was to come later.

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And, by the way, I am entitled to my opinion the same as everyone else is, or does a forum admin not get an opinion these days.


Also, you wouldn't have been banned for it, no matter how much mock offense you show.


so calling people b*stards is ok then?

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what you said was true, what i couldnt believe is you were pinning our embarassing exits solely on a select few players. it was a collective failing from the manager to hsi coaches and his players. both euro exits were a disgrace but a sure sign of what was to come later.


But I really wasn't. I was saying hat you couldn't really blame McCois for so man ndividial errors. Could you ? He couldn't be on the pitch hitting Naismiths shots for him, preventing Whittaker from giving th ball away or Whittaker stupidly getting sent off.


The manager carries th can but no for one minute did he want Whittake to be so stupid as get sent off.


In fact, at HT in Maribor he told them to b extra careful with challenges.... What does Bougherra do ? Get sent off.


The manager can't do everything for them. And that was my point, you can't really blame him for those individual errors from players that should know better.

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