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Is Ally the Man for the job? - The McCoist Thread

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The curren board are clearly the ones ready to stand up for us, certainly going by Green's statements.


I'm not saying they are or aren't. Any other outsiders would likely have faced the same issues as Green & Co have.


The man's mad as a fish, but my opinion is that Romanov's utterings about the OF mafia weren't completely unfounded ...just poorly put across. I don't think insolvency under SDM's board would have played out anything like it has done and I can say with some certainty that Charles Green's consortium wouln't even have got a sniff at the club.

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i guess that is football but by no means is that the reason ally is a poor football manager. that is only a small part of why the team are so poor at times.


good managers can limit the effect players poor attitudes have on the team in question, good managers can get ar*eholes and mercenaries playing for them for the good of the club and the manager tells the players for the good of them too!


surely it is upto the manager him being the boss to identify why and where it is going wrong and at least attempt to fix it, we dont get that at rangers under ally.


we have to rise above all the outside stuff and accept ally has a job to do, we are still a football club, the biggest in the land with standards, expectations and ambition, our manager has a job to do no matter what comes at him from left field. what is your opinion on lennon having to deal with death threats and bombs and bullets being sent to him, as much as we hate him, he handled it pretty well, so well in fact his team went onto win a trophy(scottish cup i think) and running us very close for the league. football is not a complicated sport, its not a hard game but at times we, as a club, sure do over complicate it, maybe over thinking or looking for excuses when the mirror is the best place to look.


for what it is worth, at rangers i think our players attitudes in general over the last 5 to 8 years has been abysmal. spoiled, over paid and molly coddled.


You're making some good and completely valid points, but the bottom line for me is that I think Ally did a good job as assistant to Walter because they built a very good team and won a lot of silverware. Ally then took over from Walter just after Craig the crook Whyte got his hands on the club and last season, in his first season as a professional football manager, I actually think Ally did remarkably well, all things considered.


He had an uphill battle on his hands and despite showing glaring signs of his inexperience, he got on with it and did a very good job. I thought he was awful when speaking to the press initially, but he learned quite quickly and he's still learning which is exactly what you'd expect of a relatively inexperienced manager.


Same goes for the more important aspects of his job such as the coaching, team selections, tactics etc... he's still learning and he'll undoubtedly learn and improve. I really think he deserves a chance to do that, a chance to become a great manager and I haven't seen anything yet that would persuade me that he should have to leave Rangers and learn his trade elsewhere, especially now that we've been unjustly forced to start from the bottom of Scottish football.


If we were still in the SPL and Ally and the team served up a shocking first half season I might well look on the situation completely differently, but we are where we are and that's in the 3rd Division after 1 league away game that ended in a draw.

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people were given a very false impression of the old board to suit Lloyds, Muir and whyte, the real enemies within.


something we should learn from.


My impression of David Murray and Martin Bain has nothing to do with them thank you.


Cheats, liars and slimeballs.

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My impression of David Murray and Martin Bain has nothing to do with them thank you.


Cheats, liars and slimeballs.


I would hope you're referring to Lloyds, Muir and Whyte otherwise I would like you to clarify on the cheats comment

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I would hope you're referring to Lloyds, Muir and Whyte otherwise I would like you to clarify on the cheats comment

Not talking about the EBT title stripping, David Murray and Martin Bain are just cheats generally for all the lies told to the Rangers support and the huge amounts of money they gained from us.

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Not talking about the EBT title stripping, David Murray and Martin Bain are just cheats generally for all the lies told to the Rangers support and the huge amounts of money they gained from us.


Martin Bain's wages and bonuses were excessive and I would conceed that he was a bit of a slimeball. Not sure what you mean about lies and cheating though.


David Murray had his faults and over the years he did tell his fair share of porkies, but again I don't think that I would call him a cheat.

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Beg to differ Craig. Said it a hundred times. It's the "team" and the tactics. Footballing history is littered with "lesser" names getting one over on the big boys.

Where it evens itself out is the depth of quality in the squad over the course of a season.

There is absolutely no reason why our present squad couldn't knock Celtic, Dundee Utd or Hertz etc out of a Cup this season. There is also absolutely no reason why Peterhead couldn't beat us on their own - or our patch.

It's about a team, the spirit and the tactics.

Put Man U or Barca against Rangers a couple of seasons' ago. Prediction - a humping. Yet we get tactical draws.


In a one off yes, over the course of a season I disagree.


Quality will prove itself over time.

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Martin Bain's wages and bonuses were excessive and I would conceed that he was a bit of a slimeball. Not sure what you mean about lies and cheating though.


David Murray had his faults and over the years he did tell his fair share of porkies, but again I don't think that I would call him a cheat.

I probably don't tend to analyse my name calling when it comes to them, rightly or wrongly I blame Murray and his crew above all else for where we are today, even if others did the dirty work.

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