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The Rangers Standard - Lessons From History? Apparently Not...

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Guest @st2oh

Some interesting views of the Rangers Standard in here! Not sure I get the lost up their own ass comment? I've contributed a few articles to the site and the idea of myself doing so to somehow 'show off talent' is absurd - if you had any idea of how dumb I am on a day to day basis you would understand ;)

Anyway, we are all entitled to our opinion.

On a side note my latest on the Rangers Standard is an interview with Tom Miller - if you haven't read it already DO SO! Great guy with great views - and a true Ger to boot!

*shameless advertising police notified*

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Some interesting views of the Rangers Standard in here! Not sure I get the lost up their own ass comment? I've contributed a few articles to the site and the idea of myself doing so to somehow 'show off talent' is absurd - if you had any idea of how dumb I am on a day to day basis you would understand ;)

Anyway, we are all entitled to our opinion.

On a side note my latest on the Rangers Standard is an interview with Tom Miller - if you haven't read it already DO SO! Great guy with great views - and a true Ger to boot!

*shameless advertising police notified*


We get some strong views voiced here on Gersnet and they're all welcome when people stick within the general forum rules.


That leads me on to say that it's considered extremely uncool here to slag off other Gers forums or sites before any of you start!! :facepalm:

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