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Moscow yobs scale stands for punch-up

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STUNNED Dundee United fans cowered in fear last night as Russian football thugs scaled stands at Tannadice stadium to launch a savage attack.

The Dinamo Moscow yobs waded in just minutes into the crunch Europa League qualifying tie against their SPL hosts.


Shortly after kick-off, visiting hooligans climbed up into a section of a stand intended for home supporters before cops and security staff moved in to stop the brawl.


One fan said: â??There were fists flying all over the place and there were kids caught up in it â?? the whole thing was disgraceful.â?


Among the shocked crowd was Scottish Sun columnist and United fan Lorraine Kelly, who tweeted: â??Full on brawl in front of me.


â??Not seen anything like that at football for years. Two Russian fans climb up into United tier and attack fans. Hope Russian fans donâ??t spoil this game just because they want a rammy.â?


The brawl came after 150 Russian fans arrived at the ground for the first leg tie, which ended in a 2-2 draw.


BBC Radio Scotland match commentator Jim Spence told listeners that fans of both clubs appeared to have been throwing punches.


He said: â??Thereâ??s a real scrap going on and stewards and policemen are trying to stop it.


â??A steward is trying his best to get in among it and thereâ??s five or six policemen in there trying to stop it.â?


Speaking at half time, BBC Sportsound presenter Richard Gordon said: â??I canâ??t remember the last time I saw fighting like that at a Scottish football ground. United might well be in bother.â?


Last night a spokesman for Tayside Police confirmed three fans were arrested and seven ejected from the ground.





Anybody think that if this was Rangers it would be a different story?

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