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Ally McCoist-exclusive video

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by Lindsay Herron


ALLY McCOIST has spoken passionately about the incredible saga over Rangers becoming members of the SFA.


The manager is almost at the end of his tether after slamming the handling of the whole situation and criticising the leadership of Scottish football.




He said: He said: "48 hours from now, we are supposed to start the season with a game at Brechin and, as I sit here today, I don't know exactly what our status in the game is, where our players, that we have, should be registered - and what the future holds for us going into next week.


"It's a ludicrous situation - and I owe it to our fans - to make my views known on it.


"No one is denying that Rangers were badly mismanaged for 10 months. Nor are we disputing that we should be punished for that. We have been. We accept that punishment and want to start putting the past behind us and move forward.


"But that is not being allowed to happen - and I have to ask myself why?


"In recent days, I have been in a number of meetings with Stewart Regan, Rod Petrie and other senior SFA figures - and despair at the lack of leadership shown.


"In my years in professional football, I have not always agreed with everything the SFA did or said. But, no matter what you thought of their decisions, there was no doubt they ran the game firmly and robustly.


"I can only imagine Ernie Walker looking down on us now and shaking his head in disbelief at the sad state of affairs and the way they have been mishandled.


"As for the SPL, they seem determined to pursue as hostile an agenda as possible towards Rangers.


"They kicked us out of the SPL - which was their right- and we acknowledge that - but that doesn't seem enough for Neil Doncaster and some of his board.


"Not only as they withholding our SPL prize money for last season - they won't tell us how much it is but we reckon it to be about £1.3million.


"And having said they don't want us - they do want a bigger share of the TV money that our presence will bring to the SFL and its clubs. Never mind sporting integrity - where is the moral integrity there?


"And there is no line to be drawn in the sand. Rangers have not been punished enough in their eyes and along with one or two people who have a vested interest within SPL clubs, our right to past titles will be challenged. They want what we and our fans bring, yet seem determined to strip us of every bit of our dignity. It has to stop.


"Sadly, only one Scottish football body has offered us any help or assistance - the SFL and I would like to thank David Longmuir, Jim Ballantyne and 29 of their 30 member clubs for inviting us into the SFL.


"We are grateful for the opportunity. We are looking forward to the challenges ahead, making new friends in the months ahead and having a positive impact on the SFL.


"It is now over five months since Rangers went into administration. It is time to start playing football again - and I am not alone in thinking this.


"In recent days I have bumped into Celtic, Hearts and Motherwell fans, and they were saying the same thing - "It's time to stop kicking Rangers and start getting Scottish football looking forward not back".


"I couldn't agree more."

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He's saying what we're all thinking. Whatever happens in the future no one should ever be allowed to forget that McCoist was pretty much the only person who articulated our frustrations, our hopes and our anger.

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Guest Dutchy

Excellent words from Ally, it's about time someone said what he's just said. After all, we're all thinking it and the vested interests he was talking about just about put him over the edge, but he managed to keep it in and he just got better and better.


Pay attention to this interview Doncaster as it's you and Regan he's talking about, get yir fecking finger out you pair of asreholes and remember, if you destroy Rangers FC, you will go down in history as the killers of Scottish Football.

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Can we now expect McCoist to get hammered for speaking out again????


Well said though - especially the part about thanking the SFL & 29 of the 30 clubs for welcoming the club into their structure!!!

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