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Let's agree to strip our titles if they agree to strip Celtic of their 9 in a row, their European Cup and fine them £39m for covering up child abuse. See how they squeal.


Oh God, how I'd love to see that headline in the Scottish tabloids......We can only dream.

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STV has learned that the SPL investigation into payments made to Rangers players that were not declared in league contracts remains an issue.


The alleged breach of rules relates to the use of Employee Benefit Trust schemes by Rangers between 2001 and 2010. Though the use of EBT’s has not been ruled as tax evasion, the fact that the payments may have been made for footballing activities mean Rangers could still face sanctions.


The SPL has already stated that there is a prima facie case to answer and should Rangers be guilty of breaching the rules over undeclared payments the sanctions available include the stripping of titles, which Rangers manager Ally McCoist has said that he would firmly oppose.


Though Green had hoped to conclude the membership transfer on Wednesday, it is understood that the issue will not be resolved and will continue on Thursday.


And another day goes by.

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Regards EBT's, howcome the SFA (apparently) have no interest in stripping us of Scottish Cups won during this period and the SFL have no interest in stripping us of Scottish League Cups won during this period ? it was the same players after all.

Given that the SFA are the body to whom any appeal would be made to regards EBT punishments surely the SPL have no case whatsoever.How could we(possibly) be stripped of titles but not cups?

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I've been trying to get my head around this league title-stripping issue for months.

Now I can understand why the average yahoo would want us stripped of - say 5 or 6 titles - and even more so, I understand why the average yahoo would be petulant enough to want them awarded to Celtic and feel proud of "having won them."

But I can't for the life of me understand why business people like Liewell and Riley (both with Desmond's approval) and Reid, if sources are to be believed, keep hammering away at this issue.

I also, can't for the life of me understand why - apparently - stripping League Cups and Scottish Cups has been dropped.

Unless, of course, that the league title-stripping issue is precursor.

First they take the league titles, then Celtic want full compensation from us for what Rangers earned in Europe in those years. All, of course, in the interests of the hackneyed sporting integrity.

Perhaps they would want to foreclose us. Perhaps they would want us to pay it off in full - with interest - over the next 20 to 30 years.

Don't write me off as a box of frogs.

There was a time when "the Old Firm" meant something, and there was an understanding that - despite the rivalry - we were extremely good business for each other.

That's all changed. New neighbours have moved in, and - in my opinion - they're very much in the business of burning our house down.

So that means - again in my opinion - that we will always have to be wary with these snakes.

This has turned into a game of PR and spin. So far Celtic are streets ahead.

However, there are 4 or 5 SPL clubs who are teetering on the brink of insolvency if the TV deal doesn't go through.

There are 30 Clubs in the SFL who are looking forward to 3 years of the benefits that we can bring them.

There are 3 Clubs who don't know if they are promoted or not.

I wonder how they would look upon Celtic if they knew that the SPL is being driven by them in order to purely benefit Celtic - to the detriment of all the Clubs mentioned above.

Once again - this has all been about spin, and it's about time we got some savvy souls on board.

It's going to be a long voyage and we're going to need them.

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