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first move by opening talks with Dean Shiels

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I agree that the players mentioned I would rather they never pull on the Rangers jersey!,however needs must and I want the best players possible to get us back to the top ASAP

Instead of wasting time on stop gap no hopers, we should be building a team of kids that can make us a force again in a few years...

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Instead of wasting time on stop gap no hopers, we should be building a team of kids that can make us a force again in a few years...


You will need a bit of experience and toughness as well. It is not that we need to buy rubbish and I for one don't think that the players mentioned are as bad as being projected here or on FF. Make no mistake, the supports demands - no matter where we will play - would hardly get satisfied. That has been the case ever since I joined the legions and it will not go away.


We do have some good youngsters already and possibly Ally has a few names ready too. We have to acknowledge that not many teams will send their folk on loan to us either, for what good would Div 3 football be to them? Hence, we have to take what we get, and those people linked so far are sure good enough for Division 3 and 2 respectively. That is were we should set our aims for and nothing stops us from using our youngsters cunningly along the way.

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Needs must at the end of the day. It's an opportunity for some of these guys to join a club of our stature. Or at least, our stature when we return to top flight football. You never know, one or two of them might become fan favourites on the way.

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We absolutely need to build on youth, but we also need some experience in there if we're going to climb back up through the divisions quickly. I don't have a problem with any of these sort of signings coming in to strengthen the squad, particularly as it shows now more than ever that they probably want to play for the jersey rather than coming here for the money.

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