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Bomber Brown 2pm meeting

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'Bomber' Brown: Craig Whyte Is Calling The Shots




Details Published on Sunday, 15 July 2012 14:46 Written by DarcheVinny .







At a supporters meeting, held in the Thistle Hotel (Glasgow) this afternoon and organised by John 'Bomber' Brown, it was alleged that Craig Whyte still holds a floating charge over Ibrox and Murray Park (a floating charge which was registered with Companies House on March 21st), and is very much calling the shots still at Rangers.


John Brown reiterated his belief - as already shared via twitter earlier in the week - that Craig Whyte is '100%' still involved.


However, unfortunately for all the supporters present and the hundreds of thousands who weren't, there was no proof that could be provided to back up this allegation.


It is a very serious accusation, especially following the previous supporters meeting held in the Ibrox Suite with the RFFF and new Rangers board, where Rangers Chairman Malcolm Murray made it absolutely clear, that Craig Whyte was definitely not involved with the new regime.


I would expect that the Rangers board will release a statement in reply to this repeated allegation, as it is very serious and genuinely a terrifying prospect for all supporters.


With regards to the rest of the meeting, there were no real revelations, despite what we all thought we were going to be given prior to the meeting. The same accusations and calls for transparency were made, without providing any transparency being provided by the hosts.


I again cannot question John Brown's intentions with his 'bid' (if you can call it that), as he is taking an incredibly brave route here.


He is putting his Rangers legacy on the line, as he believes our club is in the wrong hands and needs to be saved. I cannot criticise that. We all want our club to be in the right hands, and fair play to John Brown for trying to give us an avenue to do so.


He wants us - the fans and lifeblood of Rangers - to ringfence the assets of the club, to protect them from Charles Green and his investors - because as 'Bomber' said, 'they are all rats'.


In order to do this, he wants to raise £10million and has already committed - or will committ - £40,000 of his own money, which is an incredible commitment from John himself, especially when you consider the fact that he is currently unemployed. However, when asked if raising £10million could actually achieve this aspiration of ring fencing the assets, he said he didn't know.


I for one, could not pledge my tiny amounts of spare cash, to a cause which does not seem to be achievable at this stage?


Supporters were again urged to not buy season tickets, but also urged to support the manager, Ally McCoist. I don't really think those two requests go hand in hand?


Ally himself was misquoted again, with regards to the comments he made regarding season tickets at the last meeting at Ibrox.


I was at that meeting at Ibrox, and I can tell you all that Ally McCoist said that he could not advise supporters to buy season tickets, based on the fact that we didn't know what league we were playing in. When asked, if he were a supporter, would he buy a season ticket? He answered firmly, yes.


If Ally was in our position, he would be buying his season ticket, regardless of what 'Bomber' or anyone else would like to tell you to the contrary.


According to John Brown - I still can't believe he said this - buying a season ticket from the current regime, is disloyal. In Brown's opnion, a supporter is disloyal to buy a season ticket from the new owners.


Well, I have something to admit, on that basis, I am disloyal.


I have filled out and sent back my season ticket renewal form, as my Father said to me that it was the best way for us to support and help Rangers at this time. Who am I to disagree with my Father's advice? Without him, I wouldn't be a Ranger at all!


I cannot support John Brown's suggestion that we need to starve the new regime of our vital money. I cannot starve my club of money. If, as Brown suggest, Charles Green could shut the gates forever, I could not forgive myself for contributing to that, by starving the club of money.


All in all, the meeting was a waste of an afternoon - bar a catch up with old and new friends, before and after - and we learnt nothing new. A quick look around the forums this evening, will show you that this side show is only further dividing an already divided and very strained support.


I would urge John Brown to continue to keep up the pressure on Green and co. as it can only force them to be transparent, or get caught out. We supporters and our beloved Rangers, can only benefit from that.


I would also urge John Brown to not call a meeting like that again, until he actually has something new to tell us, with real proof to back up his allegations. A lot of supporters will have had to have travelled a hell of a long way to attend, and it isn't fair to ask them to do it again unless there is new information to be revealed.

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  Tannochsidebear said:
No, he quite clearly said £11M, of which they had about £3M left (maybe that's where your getting the £8M fig) plus another £2-3M due in.


Thanks TB, I clearly didn't pick up on this.

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  Steve1872 said:
'Bomber' Brown: Craig Whyte Is Calling The Shots




Details Published on Sunday, 15 July 2012 14:46 Written by DarcheVinny .







At a supporters meeting, held in the Thistle Hotel (Glasgow) this afternoon and organised by John 'Bomber' Brown, it was alleged that Craig Whyte still holds a floating charge over Ibrox and Murray Park (a floating charge which was registered with Companies House on March 21st), and is very much calling the shots still at Rangers.


John Brown reiterated his belief - as already shared via twitter earlier in the week - that Craig Whyte is '100%' still involved.


However, unfortunately for all the supporters present and the hundreds of thousands who weren't, there was no proof that could be provided to back up this allegation.


It is a very serious accusation, especially following the previous supporters meeting held in the Ibrox Suite with the RFFF and new Rangers board, where Rangers Chairman Malcolm Murray made it absolutely clear, that Craig Whyte was definitely not involved with the new regime.


I would expect that the Rangers board will release a statement in reply to this repeated allegation, as it is very serious and genuinely a terrifying prospect for all supporters.


With regards to the rest of the meeting, there were no real revelations, despite what we all thought we were going to be given prior to the meeting. The same accusations and calls for transparency were made, without providing any transparency being provided by the hosts.


I again cannot question John Brown's intentions with his 'bid' (if you can call it that), as he is taking an incredibly brave route here.


He is putting his Rangers legacy on the line, as he believes our club is in the wrong hands and needs to be saved. I cannot criticise that. We all want our club to be in the right hands, and fair play to John Brown for trying to give us an avenue to do so.


He wants us - the fans and lifeblood of Rangers - to ringfence the assets of the club, to protect them from Charles Green and his investors - because as 'Bomber' said, 'they are all rats'.


In order to do this, he wants to raise £10million and has already committed - or will committ - £40,000 of his own money, which is an incredible commitment from John himself, especially when you consider the fact that he is currently unemployed. However, when asked if raising £10million could actually achieve this aspiration of ring fencing the assets, he said he didn't know.


I for one, could not pledge my tiny amounts of spare cash, to a cause which does not seem to be achievable at this stage?


Supporters were again urged to not buy season tickets, but also urged to support the manager, Ally McCoist. I don't really think those two requests go hand in hand?


Ally himself was misquoted again, with regards to the comments he made regarding season tickets at the last meeting at Ibrox.


I was at that meeting at Ibrox, and I can tell you all that Ally McCoist said that he could not advise supporters to buy season tickets, based on the fact that we didn't know what league we were playing in. When asked, if he were a supporter, would he buy a season ticket? He answered firmly, yes.


If Ally was in our position, he would be buying his season ticket, regardless of what 'Bomber' or anyone else would like to tell you to the contrary.


According to John Brown - I still can't believe he said this - buying a season ticket from the current regime, is disloyal. In Brown's opnion, a supporter is disloyal to buy a season ticket from the new owners.


Well, I have something to admit, on that basis, I am disloyal.


I have filled out and sent back my season ticket renewal form, as my Father said to me that it was the best way for us to support and help Rangers at this time. Who am I to disagree with my Father's advice? Without him, I wouldn't be a Ranger at all!


I cannot support John Brown's suggestion that we need to starve the new regime of our vital money. I cannot starve my club of money. If, as Brown suggest, Charles Green could shut the gates forever, I could not forgive myself for contributing to that, by starving the club of money.


All in all, the meeting was a waste of an afternoon - bar a catch up with old and new friends, before and after - and we learnt nothing new. A quick look around the forums this evening, will show you that this side show is only further dividing an already divided and very strained support.


I would urge John Brown to continue to keep up the pressure on Green and co. as it can only force them to be transparent, or get caught out. We supporters and our beloved Rangers, can only benefit from that.


I would also urge John Brown to not call a meeting like that again, until he actually has something new to tell us, with real proof to back up his allegations. A lot of supporters will have had to have travelled a hell of a long way to attend, and it isn't fair to ask them to do it again unless there is new information to be revealed.


Darch is doing the same as bomber by misquoting ally.


ally clearly said that he didn't know enough about green to recommend buying books as well as what darch says.


why leave that out?

Edited by the gunslinger
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The Bluenose - Rangers Supporters Assembly


56 minutes ago.




John Brown hosted a meeting today for supporters clubs and groups on Glasgow.


A number of ex players were in attendance today and a number also submitted their support and apologies for not making the meeting.


John Brown gave a short presentation and this covered his proposals as well as teh current board situation and their takeover.


Since the the formation of Newco Sevco and the £5.5 buyout, Rangers have lost a huge sum of money on the players who left the club, lost the SPL place and lost the SFA license


All youth players and their parents are worried of their future now that the players have become free agents with no clarification of their contract situation


At the recent RFFF Ally McCoist could not ask all fans to buy season tickets as the doesnt fully trust the new baord yet and has not worked with them long enough


With regards to Bomber's plans, he will set up an independant bank account this week for investors to pay into.

The plan is for wealthy people and ex players to contribute £40k each to reach £10m to buy out Charles Green's consortium.


Fans would be asked to pay a yearly £100 membership and season tickets sales of around £12m to £14m before sponsorship and commercial deals would top up the investment.


The essential of the project is to remove Charles Green, protect the assets and build the club back up again.


John gathered information over the weekend that Charles Green will own 10% of Rangers after a successful stock market floatation with AIM.


John is 100% certain that Craig Whyte is pulling the strings behind Charles Green and that they are in it together and anyone who supports Green is being disloyal to the Club.


Douglas Park and Jim McColl were offered 50% of the new company for £6m and then when they asked for deeds and documentation proof, they were never supplied with this.


John is 100% certain that Craig Whyte is detailed on a signed letter with the first charge over the assets


John asked Charles Green after the recent RFFF meeting to see the deed documents andCG agreed to this. John has since left 18 messages for Malclom Murray to arrange the meeting and this has not yet happened


John is unsure of the cost to buy the club from Charles Green as they have not yet got round the table to discuss fees


John raised that any potential deal will have to take into account the Ticketus debt and that this may be repaid over 10-20 years


There are 1 or 2 possible bids going in for the club this week


John suggests "to starve them out" with reference to the current board and not buy season tickets.


When John did meet Malcolm Murray recently, MM was not aware of a bid of £8.7m to Charles Green made the previous day


Going forward, John would offer Ally McCoist a 5 year contract, pay back all of the small creditors of the oldco and give back the debentures to the former owners of these.


His structure of the new set up would make sure that they ring fenced the major assets - Training ground, stadium and car park

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lost the SFA license


WTF? :wtf:


John raised that any potential deal will have to take into account the Ticketus debt and that this may be repaid over 10-20 years


WTF? :wtf:

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