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dump us in Div 3 and we will rise again-Gough

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While I am happy to see Regan and Doncaster squirming I would have preferred to be in the SPL as quick as possible without sactions. I don't see this being the Romantic journey some people seem to think it will be. I hope I am wrong.

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Guest Dutchy

I don't consider this romantic. I see it as our club fighting back with true grit and taking their rightful place back amonst the cream of Scottish football.


The last part of that sentance can be laughed at, heartily. LOL.

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Guest Bluenose80
While I am happy to see Regan and Doncaster squirming I would have preferred to be in the SPL as quick as possible without sactions. I don't see this being the Romantic journey some people seem to think it will be. I hope I am wrong.


SPL with no sanctions was never going to happen. Div3 was the only option after the way we have been treated.

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Guest scozzygt

Strange feeling, this is what i hoped we would end up with, so we can finally and proudly rise again.

But, makes me sick to see my/our beloved club, with our past glorious history, condemmed to the pit of div 3.

Just so sad, caused by greedy fuxxnn bampots, who didnt give a flying fxxk.

We will never surrender, we are Rangers.

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SPL or 1st division with sanctions was not acceptable,I don't think any fan really wants to be in the 3rd division but we are and now we have to start building to become stronger than ever and we will as long as the fans back the club.

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