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Minutes from SFL deciding out future!

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SFL Hampden Summit - Tuesday 3rd July



Airdrie declaring a conflict of interest and being allowed to abstain.

Dundee. Ditto

Stranraer. Ditto


Dunfermline objected. Legal advice was that we were conflicted, DAFC were not. SFL lawyers were present and confirmed.


David Longmuir says


Option 2 Rangers in Division 3 - Sky walking and back in 3 or 4 years

Clydesdale Bank are seeking £800k in compensation

Scottish Govt in talks but saying nothing in public.


Option 3 Rangers in Div 1 - Sky will reduce money and SportFive will abandon overseas rights, Weatherseal and CLydesdale Bank also.


Option 4 SPL 2 - SPL Clubs not wanting this but SPL Executive are using as a stick.

SFL could sue the SFA and SPL



What are we being asked to consider?


Turnbull Hutton from the floor, re Ralph Topping "Chairman of SPL in his day job works for them, he is conflicted as they are challenging the monies due to SFL"

David agreed.

It could be said that they are sponsoring the Scottish Cup with our money.

Hutton also said " they, the SPL are corrupt and I am saying he (Neil Doncaster ) is corrupt and everything he has said in the past is crap, they are dishonest, corrupt and liars". Finished just as Neil Doncaster came in.



Neil Doncaster statement/presentation at SFL Hampden Summit




Since SPL was created, 4 Administrations, no liquidations. Airdrie, Gretna and Third Lanark only clubs to be in same situation as RFC.

Big argument re Rangers existence. 5 legal entities in their history, Livingston Chairman Gordon McDougall worst critic of RFC.


3 options


1 - NewCo yes :-


£ 17. M' .78M for 12th, £.87 for 11th


2- No to NewCo and admitted into Div 3


Broadcasters and Sponsors :-

Sky £50 m gone after next year

ESPN will terminate immediately £30m

Sport five also immediate termination. £2.75m

Only 4 games actually sold around the World.

Other Broadcasters, radio, online etc, £2m, £1m will be lost.

£14.7m will be lost in this instance.


Other Partners

Mitre, Thomas Cook, Pannini, William hill, Sega

Loss of £1m


Total effect loss of £1m hit across the board in all SPL

£17,392 M with Rangers

£1,692M without Rangers

Club 12 will then get £76,140,

Club 11 will get £84,500


Club in 3rd will get £160,000 as opposed to £1'6M



3 - No to NewCo and admitted into Div 1

Sky, ESPN will stick to deals

Sportfive will terminate

Radio and online, 40% drop

Loss of sponsor is £1m


Total effect is a loss of £4.8m


The SPL clubs will not accept the possibility of RFC being put into 3rd Division


On 16th July:-

SPL will be voting on a change of Structure from 11-1 and 10-2 to 9-3 (big decisions) or 8-4 (commercial contracts)


There are an element of clubs fans just want Rangers out no matter what.


TH - I object to youlecturing me taking big wages out, when I am putting big money in.


Q from floor - Why are SPL Clubs gambling on their future for Sporting Integrity when "we" the SFL must take the decision to save everyone's money?


Annan Athletic were asked to speak, said they have a good business plan, only spend what they can afford. They think this is an opportunity and Clubs going under is ok...

Hamilton spoke and said we will not vote to see Rangers go to third, we cannot afford it.

Clyde said they are the poorest club in the League and they don't care, only 800 to 1200 fans at best. Said the SPL model is bankrupt and ND said, that may be right but it is where it is, we need to deal with it.

Question from Floor - Why did Aberdeen Chairman come out and say that RFC should be in 3rd Div but now we are told that the SPL and the SFA won't accept responsibility of making final decision, all put onto the SFL.



Stewart Regan at SFL Hampden Summit



Where are we? 3 things


RFC guilty of bringing the Game into disrepute - Appellate Tribunal can do three things =

Ejection from Scottish Cup (not severe enough)

suspension (disastrous)

termination (Armageddon)


Options- tribunal as above or collaborative solution



RFC in 3rd means the long term withering on the vine of the Scottish game.


He then states that under no circumstances will SFA allow RFC back into SPL



He says that SPL 2 puts SFA into impossible position and while not their preferred position, it may be forced into actioning this as Rangers cannot go into Div 3 unless we want the game to die.



A number of Clubs will go into Admin immediately unless Div 1 option is accepted.


This cannot be allowed. It's an impossible decision but it must be made.


We the SFA have a fiduciary duty as a board not to punish 41 Clubs and putting Rangers into 3rd would be equivalent of this.


Transfer Embargo will stand. European ban for 4 years. Discussed points sanctions for 2 or more years. Fines would have to be levied on RFC as well.


Says the EBT issue is still requiring resolution.

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> Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of The Scottish Football League will be held within the Bell/Baird Suite on the fifth floor of Hampden Park, Glasgow on Friday, 13th July, 2012 at 11.00 a.m. for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the following proposals:-


> (i) That the Scottish Football League Members agree to admit Sevco Scotland Limited as an Associate Member and agrees to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the League during Season 2012/13.(ii) That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the “Board”) to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13.(iii) That the Scottish Football League Members in terms of Rule 12 approve the resignation of either Dundee F.C. or Dunfermline Athletic F.C., whichever shall be admitted to join the Scottish Premier League for Season 2012/13, such resignation to take effect as at the date of admission of such club to the Scottish Premier League, notwithstanding that the requisite notice under Rule 12 shall not have been given.Details of the series of measures referred to at (ii) above shall be made available to the Members in advance of the meeting and an opportunity for full discussion of those measures will be given prior to the proposals being put to the meeting.



> In accordance with the terms of SFL Rule 53, your club must send


> one representative to this meeting and I would be most grateful if you could advise me of the name of your representative by return.






> A buffet lunch will be served at the conclusion of the meeting.






> Kind regards,



> David A. Longmuir



> Chief Executive, SFL.

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Explosive stuff in those minutes.


The SFA/SPL are trying to force the SFL clubs into putting Rangers into SFL1, where they can say that is not a big enough punishment and bring along fines and sanctions to further limit our ability to be the best we can be.


The proof is above that of the £17M brought into the game in tv and sponsorship, Rangers are worth £16M of it. If that doesnt give us a bargaining tool to tell them to stuff their sanctions up their jacksy, I dont know what is.


We should be making a full and public statement that we will never play in the SPL again, and that we believe the SFL is the way forward for Scottish football, and let the SPL know that they are finally fecked once and for all. We should also demand that Regan be sacked for his shambolic part in all this, so that the SFA can again be governed by a neutral CEO without an agenda to destroy one club in favour of his friend's club.


Points sanctions only suit Celtic, this is the major story that Regan doesnt want to discuss. We wont be hit with points deductions int he SFL as they need us to win it and gain promotion at the first attempt, they will defer the points deductions until we are back in the SPL to ensure celtic continue to win it. It doesnt matter if we come second 3 years in a row, we cant take up a euro place so it is irrelevant to every other club in the league apart from celtic.


I really and truly hope that Longmuir and the SFL clubs take their once in a lifetime opportunity to do over the big bully boys for good and tell Longmuir he is not authorised to promote Rangers to Div 1 without a full 30 club meeting and majority vote.


We should be asking clubs to vote yes to point 1, no to point 2 and yes to point 3. We have a right to lobby the other SFL clubs as this is all about us, and we should ask them under no circumstances to put us into Division 1 as we are not ready for it with the players we have and also from a sporting integrity perspective.

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Guest Bluenose80

We should refuse any attempt to put us in Div1 or SPL2 and state that we will not be pawn for the SPL's greed. We have nothing to lose so no reason why we should agree to this. It is also time Charles Green spoke out about Celtic's role in all of this as it is obvious to anyone they are using the SFA/SPL to do their bidding and we should not let it go unchallenged. Bottom line is they need us more than we need them so lets turn the tables and force their hand.

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  ian1964 said:


Stewart Regan at SFL Hampden Summit



Where are we? 3 things


RFC guilty of bringing the Game into disrepute - Appellate Tribunal can do three things =

Ejection from Scottish Cup (not severe enough)

suspension (disastrous)

termination (Armageddon)


Options- tribunal as above or collaborative solution



RFC in 3rd means the long term withering on the vine of the Scottish game.


He then states that under no circumstances will SFA allow RFC back into SPL



He says that SPL 2 puts SFA into impossible position and while not their preferred position, it may be forced into actioning this as Rangers cannot go into Div 3 unless we want the game to die.



A number of Clubs will go into Admin immediately unless Div 1 option is accepted.


This cannot be allowed. It's an impossible decision but it must be made.


We the SFA have a fiduciary duty as a board not to punish 41 Clubs and putting Rangers into 3rd would be equivalent of this.


Transfer Embargo will stand. European ban for 4 years. Discussed points sanctions for 2 or more years. Fines would have to be levied on RFC as well.


Says the EBT issue is still requiring resolution.


The points I have bolded for me are nothing short of a disgrace. The rest of what has been put forward is pretty shambolic as well. How is Regan going to stay the man is a total joke.

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Guest Bluenose80
  metlika said:
The points I have bolded for me are nothing short of a disgrace. The rest of what has been put forward is pretty shambolic as well. How is Regan going to stay the man is a total joke.


Totally agree with you. No sympathy for the clubs who could face admin as they chose to put their financial situation at risk by kicking us out yet still expect us to bail them out. The sanctions mentioned are way over the top given that the club was at the mercy of two dictators much like the whole of scottish football is now at the mercy of two more dictators (Regan/Doncaster). We must not give in to any of this.

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We'll be giving in to the lot of it. Being in the highest division possible suits Green's selling agenda and he couldn't give a monkey's about revenge, sporting integrity or anything else that's bothering us fans. I wonder when we'll be able to honestly say "the worst's over". Seems a long way off yet.

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You are truly through the looking glass when Annan Athletic and Clyde FC are the voices of sense, reason and the providers of leadership.


That Turnbull Hutton character has annoyed me before but you can't really argue with his view of Doncaster.


Good question about the Aberdeen chairman, both him and his fellow Dundee Utd sporting integrity lover have been very quiet of late, not like them.

Lastly what have we ever done to Livingston, why are they so critical of us, or are they simply wanting what happened to them applied to us. Fair enough I suppose.


BTW Where did these minutes come from?

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