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Great read from RM's Bluepeter9

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PS Perhaps if your kids are leaning towards an English team you should steer them towards the likes of Real Madrid and Barcelona. For a start it's cheaper to see them live on telly at the moment in this country. Secondly, it's cheaper to go and see them play in the flesh - including travel and hotels. And thirdly, it's less damaging for Scottish football.


Every time a Scot subscribes to Sky to watch the EPL, it's another nail in Scottish football's coffin.

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this is the guy who wanted liquidation over a cva.


I don't care one way or other about what happens to other teams but I do know bp9 isn't very bright.


A 5 page thread with strongly held but polite opinions on all sides, and your contribution is a bit of personal insult. Plenty of forums which like infantile abuse, you know, no need to do it here.

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Guest Bluenose80
In a survival of the fittest race we are pretty weak at the moment - and one thing our clubs custodians (and fans) need is a way of making sure what we have been through never happens again (and in some way the NEW financial rules help us in that)


I also agree that there needs to be some sort of consolidation of teams to make competition stronger - a single Dundee team perhaps - Edinburgh can sustain 2 teams - Motherwell / Airdrie / Hamilton as one.


But the gloating and desire for revenge should not be our motivation for change - we need change because chage is needed - we should not be seeking the destruction of other (or even the infliction of the same misery as we have been through) as a catalyst for change.


While I agree with your sentiments BP and it would show the dignity and class that epitomises Rangers Football Club it would also be a show of weakness that they can do what they like to us and we will sit back and accept it. In the survival of the fittest as you say we are weak but we can rebuild and our fanbase provides a solid platform to allow us to do that whereas the SPL clubs do not have that as their supporters have shown they will happily kill their own clubs to get us, given that I know who I put my money on to win the race. You are correct that consolidation of teams is needed to improve competition and that will happen if we are put in Div3 and the SPL clubs end up with the stark choice of merge or both go out of existence. Inverness are proof that this can work as Inverness FC and Caledonian Thistle merged won entry to the SFL and have risen to the SPL and are probably the best run of the SPL clubs.

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Interesting point. How many of us support a different club to our fathers or our brothers, indeed for some of us do your children support the same club as you?

I ask because I wonder if that is what would happen. My concern in this is that the next generation will end up supporting Man Utd or Real Madrid. If the culture of going to a game is lost and those clubs remain omnipresent on TV and in the media then surely that's where the next generation will go?


My son supports Feynoord and my daughter FC Twente. My wife? Well she supports the Iron.:D

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Guest Bluepeter9

In my post I want to use our strength for regime change at the SFA and SPL - they are not fit for purpose but wanting other team go to the wall - wanting to put fans through what we have - that is not strength, that is revenge.


I do agree that some consolidation would help create some stronger teams - one Dundee team for instance - one team between Hamilton/Motherwell (airdrie) - but Aberdeen (the town) needs a club and there is no one to merge with. We have taken rivalry and turned in into enemies - with us or against us.

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but Aberdeen (the town) needs a club and there is no one to merge with. We have taken rivalry and turned in into enemies - with us or against us.


I think you will find that Aberdeen fans declared us the enemy a long time ago, because that's what they wanted to do. Nothing we could have done would have changed that, and nothing we do in the future will change that.


I wouldn't want that to change anyway because outwith Celtic there's not a more vile group of supporters in the country than the sheep molesters.

Edited by TheWeeBlueDevil
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Ach so you make up lies ? Nice welcome!


I am not sure what this is aimed at BP9 but i can imagine it was at Gunslinger for his not very bright statement. Don't worry we all know that GS has been wrong in many occasions in the past and if we judged people on intelligence then he and many others probably including myself would have been banned long ago.

Gunslinger Andy was right, that statement was totally uncalled for and won't be tolerated. Please refrain from making unwarranted personal insults.

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My sons are still too young to have picked up an interest in football yet. I tell my wife I'll let them choose themselves who to support. The funny thing is she believes me!


I know a few guys who were Third Lanark fans, one was a ballboy there. Both are Rangers fans now funnily enough.

Obviously the big difference between when Thirds went under and now is TV and the internet. I lived in Belfast for a while and was stunned how little interest there was in the local clubs, yet football was really popular. But almost everyone supported Man U or Liverpool with us coming a distant third. It was even worse in the Republic of Ireland, at least in Belfast I knew genuine supporters of local clubs, I've never met anyone in the south who ever attended a local match.

I went to watch Crusaders on a regular basis, the standard was meh, but I had the habit of attending football in person and wanted to keep doing that.


I guess the point i'm making is that actually attending matches is something you need introduced too by someone.


There are parallels for us to draw on, as well as Ireland(s) Austria and Belgium are also countries with larger dominant neighbours that are culturally and linguistically almost identical. Their leagues are also in decline where once they had clubs that were European forces.

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