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Great read from RM's Bluepeter9

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Guest Bluepeter9
In a normal society and situation BP9's sentiments would be applauded universally and possibly even have been embraced long before now organically however....we do not live in anything like a normal society and our situation has gone way, way past normal. I know it's probably a bit immature but I strongly wish ill upon those who have tried, let's face it, to finish us. Not hurt us or cripple us, they have sought our obliteration from the game and from their twisted view of society.


I've detected that some in the game seem to think we are about emerge into a new progressive era in Scottish Football,that our situation has in some way cleansed the leagues of some kind of malaise. Far from it...we are about to enter the next phase of decline in Scottish Football and for me it can't come quick enough. Only at that point will we be able to build something new and progressive, or indeed join with a new league structure, perhaps regionally within Europe and compete in something bigger than the petty jealousy and hatred of the SFA's set up. Like an addict who is managing to barely hold down a job or maintain some kind of veneer of normality, only when he hits rock bottom will he be able to bounce back without the monkey on his back.


I just dont understand how Scottish footballs further demise could be in OUR interests - we need change and teh time for change is upon us - and this seeking of revenge is NOT going to move the game forward at all. We have clout - lets use it positively instead of negatively.

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I can see that what BP9 is advocating should be the proper grown-up thing to do. Like when a couple get divorced they sit round the table and divvy up the assets and stay all amicable "for the kids", even though the husband had a gambling problem that made their finances bankrupt.


Unfortunately in our case, the wife didnt behave like a grown-up at all, she got the best lawyer and nailed his sorry ass on everything and got the house, the kids, the cars etc, leaving the husband with only his earning capacity as he had a great CV.


The husband is supposed to say, ok I done wrong, you have got everything we owned, I'm left with nothing, but I'm supposed to voluntarily send you half my wages because its the right thing to do?


I'm sorry, but I just dont buy it. We broke the rules by going into admin, got our sentence (10pts), and that should have been that. After the liquidation of the club, it should be an automatic start again at the bottom in Div 3. The fact we have been under disrepute charges is disgraceful and totally wrong. I strongly believe that in any other country the footballing authorities and political governments would be doing everything it could to ensure the survival of their most famous club, their standard bearer across the world, the club that makes our country famous around the world and brings tourism aplenty to our nation. Instead a rush to judgement has ensured, with us being found guilty of both the big tax case and dual contracts without any evidence of court standard being applied, or in fact without any guilty court decisions being made into the already established HMRC investigations.


If all this means we should let this sorry episode go under the bridge without so much as an attempt at retaliation, then count me out. The very thought of it stinks as lily-livered apologetic nonsense that we as Rangers supporters have accepted far too often from our club under the Murray/Whyte regimes, and look where it got us. It allowed our enemies to sneak into all the powerful positions around, and wait for us to slip up, and when we have done, bang, they go for the jugular in a big way.


We must fight back, strongly, and ensure we are fairly represented in all the powerful committees, have friends around us, and take on our enemies at every opportunity possible. If that leaves the country with a few less of the teams who have sided with celtic this last few months and seen their chance to have a right good kick at the Champions as a better idea than helping a fallen giant who has pumped millions into their club over the years, then that was their decision, not ours. And we would be rightful in having a snigger as they fall. NO more filling buckets outside their grounds when the begging bowl comes around. No more friendlies or testimonials to fill their coffers. No more filling 70% of their grounds at over-inflated prices to fund their squad.


Every club who has taken a kick at us better start their plan B right now, as when we come back we will show no mercy.

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I agree !!!! and that is where leadership comes in SDM did provide leadership but AJ did not.


I don't think Murray did provide good leadership , all Murray done was lead us up a dark ally right into the clutches of a gang of crazed bigots intent on kicking us to death, then turned his back on us and cared little about our fate.

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I agree !!!! and that is where leadership comes in SDM did provide leadership but AJ did not. The fans base gives us our financial clout but it takes leadership to use it for our benefit. We may all hate liewell but one thing he has provided his 'legions' is leadership - its a nasty and virulent leadership but he used the clubs clout for his clubs benefit - out new leaders must do the same.


Sorry mate but i'm out, if your view on Rangers include's SDM provided Rangers with leadership then i for one dont see the point in reading anything else.

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I have to agree with the OP to a certain degree and said it on another thread from a few weeks ago. As much as I can understand the clamour for revenge, Rangers do not exist in a vacuum. We need to be playing in Scottish football to sustain our existence and hopefully reach new heights along the way. What would be the point of spending 3/4 years "getting back" from square 1 to find a league that is worse than it's current format? How is that going to help Rangers in the long term?


The only "revenge" I want is on the pitch

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In a survival of the fittest race we are pretty weak at the moment - and one thing our clubs custodians (and fans) need is a way of making sure what we have been through never happens again (and in some way the NEW financial rules help us in that)


I also agree that there needs to be some sort of consolidation of teams to make competition stronger - a single Dundee team perhaps - Edinburgh can sustain 2 teams - Motherwell / Airdrie / Hamilton as one.


But the gloating and desire for revenge should not be our motivation for change - we need change because chage is needed - we should not be seeking the destruction of other (or even the infliction of the same misery as we have been through) as a catalyst for change.


I think change was always needed; however, I think we ourselves were actually empathetic sentimentally to the survival of other clubs and so did not want the scalpel to be wielded in a cold, businesslike way.


Now I'd say that empathy has evaporated and the sentimental feelings quashed. It's not revenge I'm seeking, it's a better, future footballing nation and I'm no longer bothered about the collateral damage or hurt feelings. It's now time to break a few eggs and make a tastier omelette.

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I have to agree with the OP to a certain degree and said it on another thread from a few weeks ago. As much as I can understand the clamour for revenge' date=' Rangers do not exist in a vacuum. We need to be playing in Scottish football to sustain our existence and hopefully reach new heights along the way. What would be the point of spending 3/4 years "getting back" from square 1 to find a league that is worse than it's current format? How is that going to help Rangers in the long term?


The only "revenge" I want is on the pitch[/quote']


How can the league get worse? It's already rock bottom. It has one team who can win it, who have half the supporters and from whom the other teams will leach from.


If some teams go to the wall, there are others who can take their place without any drop in quality - especially as our journeyman players are not exactly a sought after commodity in England or abroad and so they will simply switch to other SPL clubs as well as newly promoted ones who take the place of those who fall. To me the standard will be the same; except perhaps for Celtic who I have no problem for being brought down to our level - in fact I think our league requires it so that we have two teams capable of winning it.


I can't see how going quickly back to the SPL where Celtic are dominant - and we are handicapped by sanctions and the rebuilding process, is going to make our league any better. It will also be a league run by small clubs with huge egos who only want to take, take and take again.


Sorry, we don't live in a vacuum but I'd rather be somewhere where the air doesn't stink.

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How can the league get worse? It's already rock bottom. It has one team who can win it, who have half the supporters and from whom the other teams will leach from.


If some teams go to the wall, there are others who can take their place without any drop in quality - especially as our journeyman players are not exactly a sought after commodity in England or abroad and so they will simply switch to other SPL clubs as well as newly promoted ones who take the place of those who fall. To me the standard will be the same; except perhaps for Celtic who I have no problem for being brought down to our level - in fact I think our league requires it so that we have two teams capable of winning it.


I can't see how going quickly back to the SPL where Celtic are dominant - and we are handicapped by sanctions and the rebuilding process, is going to make our league any better. It will also be a league run by small clubs with huge egos who only want to take, take and take again.


Sorry, we don't live in a vacuum but I'd rather be somewhere where the air doesn't stink.


I was referring to a top flight with the OF in there. (when we get back). if a few teams hit the skids when we are away surely that would make the league worse

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PS I think that INTEGRITY also requires us to not reward other clubs who have treated us badly. You don't teach people how to treat you by letting them off with giving you a kicking. You at least need a deterrent but also need to mete out justice.


If you think we've been treated fairly then let them off. If not then justice needs to be done and needs to be seen to be done.

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I was referring to a top flight with the OF in there. (when we get back). if a few teams hit the skids when we are away surely that would make the league worse


I really can't see how. The quality is not really there in the first place and there are too many small clubs close to each other that share the same pot. I can't see how we'll lose the likes of Dunfermline players to the game - where will they go? England? I doubt it. They will go to say Dundee or a newly promoted Raith Rovers. The quality cannot be diluted in what is effectively a closed system.

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