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Nobody likes us! We should care!

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  calscot said:
People don't leave their coat at the door, they put one on - it's plastic, orange, garish and crass, and makes a mockery of the real thing. It also makes the wearers as bad as those they make figures of hate in the name of that coat.


Cal mate that's the biggest generalisation I've read on here, I'm not in the OL never have never will but a good few mates of mine are so I can see it from their point of view as well. They don't march to hate not the ones I know anyway.

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  GovanAllan said:
So can you explain to me why stopping singing certain songs no idea what ones it is by the way, stop waving the national flag, stop giving free tickets to troops that gets certain folks backs right up. Stop wearing the Poppy another thing that gets them going and I'm not just talking about the Orcs. If we do that we will be loved :facepalm:


I don't want to be loved by everyone that's a Tim thing.


They hate us because we win most things and aren't slow about reminding everyone of them about it any chance we get. They hate us because they've been programmed to hate us by folk telling them we are big bad Rangers and it's our fault their team is pish and bigotry only exists because of us. You can do everything you want to suck up the arse of these people they will still hate you just because you wear a blue football top if you can't grasp that then I'm sorry but it's not me with the problem.


They hate us because we aren't them plain and simple.


I thought you were out?


I really dont know how else i can explain something simple to somebody that has no intentions of listening.


I dont give a fuck who likes us or who dont, please keep your mumbu jumbo religion out of football.


Now di you manage to understand that?

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  GovanAllan said:
Cal mate that's the biggest generalisation I've read on here, I'm not in the OL never have never will but a good few mates of mine are so I can see it from their point of view as well. They don't march to hate not the ones I know anyway.


I have no problem with people being members of the OL; however, I would imagine they would or should be pretty disdainful of the the pretend ones who use their songs nefariously.


I always find it strange that the Catholic church stand up for Celtic - they are only showing themselves as a religion with a poor moral code. You don't see the Church of Scotland standing up for Rangers, and I would be surprised if they ever did.


Neither side of the OF behave in a way that could be considered remotely Christian. They are supposed to WORSHIP someone who is famous for saying "love thy enemy" and "turn the other cheek". They are making a mockery of the very religion of which they claim to be devout believers.


Like I said, if you REALLY want to display your protestant beliefs then join the Sally Army and get out and do some good. You'll also get plenty of chances to belt out some of you religion's best songs. But I really don't think that's what it's all about - it's not even a wee bit about God, Christ or being a good person.


If it's imperative that people bring who they are through the turnstiles and display it openly would you be happy if a bunch of Catholics started supporting Rangers and sang anti-protestant stuff? Should anti-monarchists sing songs against the Queen? Where are all the muslims, Scottish Nationalists, gays etc supposed to fit in this - are they allowed the same soap box? Or should they leave their coats at the door?

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  CumbernauldGers said:
I thought you were out?


I really dont know how else i can explain something simple to somebody that has no intentions of listening.


I dont give a fuck who likes us or who dont, please keep your mumbu jumbo religion out of football.


Now di you manage to understand that?


Tut tut so you can't answer my question?


For the record I'm not religious in the least but people have the right to be if they choose, they don't deserve guys like you screaming at them that religion is mumbo jumbo.


The thread is about why people don't like us you claim it's mainly because we are a Protestant club who wave the union flag about and sing about past battles and we should get rid of all that baggage? You brought religion into it not me, I said its because we are seen as " A shower of arrogant pricks who don't give a damn about anybody and make a point of letting them know about it any chance we get ". A direct quote said to my face by a Aberdeen fan one day he was a good prod as well so kind of blows your religion theory out the water.


Fine get shot of it all the battle songs and the union flag and support of the queen everything you claim makes us hated will anything change? NO NO NO, because that's not why other fans hate us plain and simple.


If you think different then I'm sorry but you have a problem in understanding what the problem is.


Now did you mange to understand that?

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  calscot said:
I have no problem with people being members of the OL; however, I would imagine they would or should be pretty disdainful of the the pretend ones who use their songs nefariously.


I always find it strange that the Catholic church stand up for Celtic - they are only showing themselves as a religion with a poor moral code. You don't see the Church of Scotland standing up for Rangers, and I would be surprised if they ever did.


Neither side of the OF behave in a way that could be considered remotely Christian. They are supposed to WORSHIP someone who is famous for saying "love thy enemy" and "turn the other cheek". They are making a mockery of the very religion of which they claim to be devout believers.


Like I said, if you REALLY want to display your protestant beliefs then join the Sally Army and get out and do some good. You'll also get plenty of chances to belt out some of you religion's best songs. But I really don't think that's what it's all about - it's not even a wee bit about God, Christ or being a good person.


If it's imperative that people bring who they are through the turnstiles and display it openly would you be happy if a bunch of Catholics started supporting Rangers and sang anti-protestant stuff? Should anti-monarchists sing songs against the Queen? Where are all the muslims, Scottish Nationalists, gays etc supposed to fit in this - are they allowed the same soap box? Or should they leave their coats at the door?


Cal I'm not in the least religious we've had this talk before, but I respect others beliefs. I don't respect the organised attempts who push those beliefs on any side of the fence, any man/woman should be allowed to make up their own mind on what any of their books claim to be the truth and talk to their god where they like its a simple human right without Church's getting involved. I can't actually think of many Anti-Anything songs we sing these days.


I've got friend who are catholic, Muslim, Protestant, Jewish they know I don't have much time for their churchs but their still my friends nothing changes.


We are all different and nothing will change that, this thread is about why the other fans hate us, all I've said is it's got nothing to do with us being portrayed as a Protestant club.

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  GovanAllan said:
Tut tut so you can't answer my question?


For the record I'm not religious in the least but people have the right to be if they choose, they don't deserve guys like you screaming at them that religion is mumbo jumbo.


The thread is about why people don't like us you claim it's mainly because we are a Protestant club who wave the union flag about and sing about past battles and we should get rid of all that baggage? You brought religion into it not me, I said its because we are seen as " A shower of arrogant pricks who don't give a damn about anybody and make a point of letting them know about it any chance we get ". A direct quote said to my face by a Aberdeen fan one day he was a good prod as well so kind of blows your religion theory out the water.


Fine get shot of it all the battle songs and the union flag and support of the queen everything you claim makes us hated will anything change? NO NO NO, because that's not why other fans hate us plain and simple.


If you think different then I'm sorry but you have a problem in understanding what the problem is.


Now did you mange to understand that?


Ok mate you refuse to even read what is being put in front of you.


If you think it's ok for people to continue with there mumbu jumbo stuff and knuckle dragging stuff at Rangers it says more about you mate.

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  CumbernauldGers said:
Ok mate you refuse to even read what is being put in front of you.


If you think it's ok for people to continue with there mumbu jumbo stuff and knuckle dragging stuff at Rangers it says more about you mate.


Are just trying to miss the point on this?


There is very little knuckle dragging at Rangers these days, and for the final time if you would just take your blinkers off and read the bloody post.


So Motherwell, Hearts, and any other club who have a mainly C of S support hate us because we have a mainly C of S support, that's what you believe?




If you can't get that I'm lost to explain it any other way.

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Guest broxiblue

We are hated for one reason and one reason alone...





Its downright jealousy by all and hatred fueled by 20+ years of success after a barren spell in the 70's-80's.

Timmy hates us as they will never overtake our trophy haul and they resent the fact we are better than them.The rest just hate who is on top and that has been us for 100+ years.


To base it on religious beliefs or OL / Masonic membership is ridiculous and the stuff of fantasy.

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Could it be something to do with the words? It sickens me that a new song has to be adapted to f*** catholics or the Pope. I have never been comfortable with that. I agree that it is a minority that think like that, but these songs are sung by the majority, which is what gives us a bad name. I firmly believe the majority of Rangers fans are not sectarian, now we need to prove it, sing songs about Rangers, not about other people's religion.

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