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very interesting stuff from Di steffano.

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  ian1964 said:
I just can't take this guy seriously!,I mean where is he going with all this?,why is he so interested in this?

My guess is that, the way things are, Rangers in England would be much better value for money than buying a 2nd rate English club for more cash.

Investors want more money - it's that simple.

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Don't see the problem , I would think he has no chance but let him try ,it's costing us nothing and you never know your luck.Imagine he was successful the look on the ****s faces would be priceless

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In fact Queens Park joined the FA in 1870 have yet to be kicked out ok they are in SFA but they still English FA.. Interesting

In 1899 queens park elected to SFA but never surrendered the EFA so like Rangers the position is both Rangers and Queens Park still FA

Queens park even played in the sheriff of London charity shield cup AFTER election to SFA

Let's see what EFA tell me tomorrow and remember if it's negative decision is appealable ... Anyone holding one share in RFC PLC I will buy

Anyone holding one share in RFC PLC pls email me I wanna buy one share

As it is a private sale it's ok



I don't want for zero I will pay for one share but only one

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  ian1964 said:
I just can't take this guy seriously!,I mean where is he going with all this?,why is he so interested in this?


He's trying to get Rangers into the English Leagues. If he manages it, he and his backers would purchase the oldco (plus you would assume the assets of the newco) and settle debts. Why's he left it so late? Could be related to the pending transfer of SFA membership and replacement of Rangers in SPL.


I think the guys a bit of a nut job and has plenty previous of making outlandish claims, but leave him to it. If he did pull it off he'd be an absolute legend.

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8 July 2012:

Mr. David Bernstein

Chairman of the FA

Wembley Stadium

PO Box 1966



Fax +448449808201

Cc Alex Horne General Secretary

8th July 2012

Dear David


I have the honour to write with regard to the above which as you are aware has attracted considerable attention and also a Parliamentary Enquiry by the Culture and Media Select Committee this week.

As you are also aware there is an on-going Strathclyde Police investigation into the 2011 acquisition of ‘the company’ The Rangers Football Club PLC and as such I make no comment on that issue.

The position at present as you are aware is that The Rangers Football Club PLC is in administration and not in liquidation. That is a factual matter that can be confirmed at Companies House. The Receivers appointed in effect ‘sold’ the assets to Sevco 5088 Ltd but the SPL Ltd refused to transfer the share held by The Rangers Football Club PLC to Sevco 5088 Ltd.

The position is now that in essence Sevco 5088 Ltd has applied to the SFL who as we understand at the time of writing will admit what we will call the ‘new’ Rangers Football Club into their Division 1 without sanctions. That is of course a matter that will require affirmation on Friday 13th July 2012.

That of course leaves The Rangers Football Club PLC still an ‘active’ company albeit de jure in administration.

According to research carried by a supporter of Rangers Football Club the club was per se admitted to the English FA in a special sitting in 1885 and I note that the English FA was already in its incorporated form since 26th October 1863.

Below is an extract from a newspaper that the avid researcher has found:

(see twitter http://twitter.com/DEVILSADVOKAT/)

Further in 1886/1887 The Rangers Football Club played in the English FA Cup and we attach the results from the various rounds.

(see attached photo)

The Rangers Football Club was founded in 1872 and did not become an incorporated body until 1899 when The Rangers Football Club Ltd was de jure founded. There is a submission as to whether or not that incorporation was lawfully valid but for the purposes of this letter it is not important.

What is important is that in 1885 The Rangers Football Club (the non-incorporated body) certainly became a member of the English FA and according to the resolution passed by the FA was a moment of great pride. The words used were “They are the only Scotch Club who have been honoured.”

We thus know that the club referred to is indeed The Rangers Football Club and not any namesake.

The Football Association became a Limited Liability Company on the 23rd June 1903 under company registration number 00077797. I understand in fact that Ian Fleming who enjoyed football so much used the 007 numbers from the certificate of incorporation for his fictional character James Bond.

What is however, unclear is what happened to the membership of The Rangers Football Club. The Football Association was incorporated in 1903 and The Rangers Football Club in 1899.

Having researched the rules and regulations of the period and of course the Articles of Association of both FA and RFC I find nothing in them which would sustain anything other than Rangers Football Club Ltd inheriting the right to play in the English league.

I could find nothing that suggested that the Rangers Football Club lost their right or were expelled from the FA after incorporation.

As a consequence the position is that although The Rangers Football Club PLC may be in administration and although the ‘assets’ of that company may have been sold to Savco 5088 Ltd the contract of sale between the Receivers appointed and Savco 5088 Ltd did not include ‘the right to participate in the English FA league.’

As I understand matters The Rangers Football Club PLC has a contingent liability to HMRC and other related liabilities to trade creditors which at a meeting under the Creditors Voluntary Arrangement were rejected principally by HMRC.

If I am correct in the assertion that Rangers Football Club has never lost the right to play in the English League then since The Rangers Football Club PLC is still only in administration and with contingent liabilities namely the bulk of which are subject to lengthy legal process (the trade debts are minimal) would make the club an attractive prospect to acquire and certainly I and others may well take a specific interest in advancing matters.

Since the English League does not start for some time I can confirm that subject to your response on this vital issue there is a prospective party from the Middle East who may well acquire the shares of The Rangers Football Club PLC (in administration) and accept all the contingent liabilities if the club is still de facto entitle, as it would appear it is, to play in the English FA League since there is no evidence to the contrary.

I look forward to hearing from you and remain as ever

Yours sincerely



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If we did not terminate our membership back then, some Scottish journos will find to way to pull us another leg, inventing something about double membership et al.


But Di Stefano is invited to come back with these Middle East investors of his. If they eat up the plc's debts, the whole farce about our membership trials would suddenly become quite "funny", or "not so funny", if you were Regan, Doncaster and all those goblins who tried their hands in playing gods.

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