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Did Brown really say this?

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Yes but we may get nothing at all, it's still in other people's hands.


I admit it would be very surprising if we didn't at least get into Division 3, but much about this sorry saga has been very surprising.


While the SPL today threatened collective suicide it should be remembered most suicide threats are threats and not actual suicides.

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Season tickets sales will go up once a league is confirmed.


Without a doubt they will but I think a substantial number of the previous season ticket holders will opt for match to match until matters are a lot more clearer.

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I really wanted Bomber to be the real deal. yet again, we’ve been kicked in the stone.

There are warning signs there with CG, maybe in the following days he’ll give us reason to drop some of the fears we have. As has been said, he’s the man with the keys right now, what can we really do other than keep the pressure on him?

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Can someone please summarise why Green is so bad for the club please? I must have missed something, but some of the abuse levelled towards him on other forums is incredible. I feel like I've missed some important info which is always possible, but when did Brown become the new messiah? Reading posts on here compared to other forums it's like people have been attending completely different meetings and reading different statements.


What the hell is going on?

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Can someone please summarise why Green is so bad for the club please? I must have missed something, but some of the abuse levelled towards him on other forums is incredible. I feel like I've missed some important info which is always possible, but when did Brown become the new messiah? Reading posts on here compared to other forums it's like people have been attending completely different meetings and reading different statements.


What the hell is going on?


My take on it is that people don't like him for the following main reasons:


1. He isn't a Rangers man. He freely admitted that last night.


There's nothing that anyone can do about that. People have to decide whether that makes him any less likely to do his job well or not. People complained about Bain's performance as CEO while he claimed to be a fan so I'm not sure that it's that relevant, but people can make up their own minds.


2. We don't know him.


Partly related to point 1. Following on from Whyte, there's bound to be a lot of suspicion about anyone new and the level of trust has to be built up. What if he's another Whyte? He could be but at least he can be got rid of as he does not have a controlling interest.


3. Questions about the finance


This is probably the biggest area of concern. There are still some doubts as to the level of cash that will be further invested in the club. It's doubtful that there will be a huge amount more.


However that was to be the case under anyone and I'm not sure why the support expect someone to put in up to £30m to keep us going for a season or two. We need to share the responsibilty and buy season tickets etc.


4. He has been accused of being a liar


He has said a number of things which are coming back to bite him a little. He made claims about 2-0 investors and having £30m in the club by the end of July. To me, these things have to be taken in context. The latter was apparently said in relation to a successful cva. The former was apparently in relation to a pool of potential investors and not people who had actually invested. I think it's more an element of Green being unclear as to his meaning, together with an eagerness in some quarters to pounce on anything anti-Green rather than him deliberately lying.


5. There has been a lot of misinformation put out there deliberately by people with agendas


This has been pounced upon by some and taken as gospel. An example of which is the clamour to get someone not particularly qualified to see the title deeds. Perhaps if they accept that they are not going to own the club, this campaign may stop, but it does seem to be encouraged in certain quarters.


6. He has been honest and said that he wants to make a profit out of us.


It's one of these where he can't win. He would be criticised if he lied and he's criticised because he tells the truth. Is it that bad a situation? It appears that it is not that he is going to take cash out of the club. If I understood what was said last night, if the whole project is successful then he gets awarded 10% of the club's shares and that is how he gets his return. Seems fair enough to me.


I'm sure that there are more reasons and people can highlight what they are but these seem to me to be some of the main ones.


I still have some doubts but am willing to allow them to a chance to get rid of them. However let's remember that Murray was here 10 years before the doubts started to creep in. It may take us many, many years before we can fully trust again and Green will likely be long gone by then.

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Can someone please summarise why Green is so bad for the club please? I must have missed something, but some of the abuse levelled towards him on other forums is incredible. I feel like I've missed some important info which is always possible, but when did Brown become the new messiah? Reading posts on here compared to other forums it's like people have been attending completely different meetings and reading different statements.


What the hell is going on?

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