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Did Brown really say this?

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I was hoping d findlay knew that.


I don't think he'll see anything amiss in the deeds at present but it can take weeks or even months before changes in deeds such as liens can be seen, if they want to do a sale and leaseback then unless it was leaked it would be done and dusted months before we find out.

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I'm certainly not, while I'm still sceptical and dubious of Green & Co I'm more comfortable with them than I am with Brown and his half-baked theory, Brown doesn't understand that if he sees the deeds and the titles are registered to Sevco Scotland (which we were assured they were and they were unencumbered) that's not the end of the matter.

Brown just seems to be more concerned with discrediting Green and co rather than giving details and moving forward with his own bid and investors, if they even exist.

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Wonder why? no doubt some will twist it and turn it upside down and come up with 2+2 = 5


The questioner asked a few good questions he was considerate and articulated himself well his question deserved an answer, I took from the fact he didn't get one and the fact that the next tranche of investment is £2.5m that they're having a greater problem raising investment than they had hoped.


The RFFF committee invited that questioner later in the evening to inspect the SDLT payment to HMRC to verify that the ownership of the properties had transfered to Sevco Scotland he respectfully declined.

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Brown to me just seems to be 'an itch in the arse that needs scratched.


I certainly think he could have gone about his business in a different manor, seeing the deeds with the name Sevco Scotland on them will neither confirm or deny his suspicions.

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I think complications over investment are to be expected when we still are yet to have a league to play in.


That may well be a factor but they assured the audience that they are comfortable with either Division 3 or 1 and had planned for both possibilities.

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That may well be a factor but they assured the audience that they are comfortable with either Division 3 or 1 and had planned for both possibilities.

Yes but we may get nothing at all, it's still in other people's hands.


I admit it would be very surprising if we didn't at least get into Division 3, but much about this sorry saga has been very surprising.

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Brown did raise one valid point though that being the possibility of putting the properties into a charitable trust which would save £1.3m in rates and remove forever the possibility that they fall into the hands of property developers, it is an avenue that is worth exploring.

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