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A Word To All Protestors.

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Im not namecalling etc.


Im just simply backing up Mr Murray who has become fault of criticism because the players on the park aren't performing.


Murray has had a word and we won ...


He has told us there will be cash in the transfer window...


And has re assured fans plg is the man...


What else can he do ?




care to explain the bigot comment ?




were is the JJB/UMBRO and last years Champions League money ?

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Guest Stan Smith
Can you really think when rangers have been in such a state ?

I'm lost, I agree that we havent been as fcked for decades.Who is at fault is the point I'm trying to make here.

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your post was more than opinion. If you "keep on educating"? are running classes for the unknowing? on yer bike son.


First of all SON,i was having a bit of a rant so i apologise for using the words keep on educating....i simply meant to say people should be aware of the facts, as it's in black and white, about the finacial dealings of Rangers FC, i don't hate DM, in fact if he wants to stay at the helm then i'm simply saying do something about the mess we are in, stand up for the fans and the club and help the manager out with a decent financial input.

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I'm lost, I agree that we havent been as fcked for decades.Who is at fault is the point I'm trying to make here.



well according to Dunn it's defo not Mr Murray's that's for sure :D

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But when have the club been in crisis?

A bad state ?


Never .



So what is murray to blame for ?



we are in a bad state now WAKE UP FFS


we are out of the title race by november


the constant attacks by the gutter press continue on our club


and who defends the club mr murray ? no the R.S.T.


we are told what to sing


we have no money to strengthen the team despite murray raking in over �£20 million from the CL JJB and Umbro

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we are told what to sing


Aren't we told what NOT to sing?


Which in my opinion is a good thing. Any song with sectarian references has no place in the stands. There's never been any need for it and the less of it the better.

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Assets, administration and capital expenditure:


1. Who currently owns the Albion Car Park?


2. Who currently owns Edmiston House?


3. How long does the contract with Azure run and do you place any significance to the signing of a contract extension at Ibrox immediately before Azure was sold to a French firm?


4. Do you believe that the expansion of Ibrox Stadium, costing some £60million for an additional 6000 seats, offers value for money when compared with the cost of rebuilding 3 stands?


5. Do you believe that the contract for the supply of steele for the expansion of Ibrox was put out to competative tendor?


6. Do you believe that Ibrox will host a european final within the next decade?


7. Do you believe that John Greig should hold a position on the Rangers board of directors?


8. Do you believe that a portakabin complex is an appropriate facility from which to run the ticketing operation for a 51,000 capacity stadium?


9. Do you believe that Rangers are taking sufficient steps to defend the club and it's supporters from unjust press attacks?


Footballing matters:


10. Do you believe that Paul Le Guen was given a sufficient budget to spend on players or, as he claims, that he chose not to spend his entire transfer budget in the summer?


11. To whom do you attribute our £78million debt?


12. Do you link this debt and the subsequent financial prudence to our 2nd poor season in a row?


13. Do you believe that we needed to spend multi-millions in the 1990s to maintain our domestic dominance? Answers of not complaining at the time are unacceptable. Looking back, can Murray justify such spending to compete with a poor Celtic or provincial clubs like Aberdeen and Motherwell?


14. Do you judge Murray's tenure at Ibrox on our domestic success or European failures?


15. Do you believe that Rangers will spend significant money, minimum £8million, in a single summer transfer window within the next decade?


16. Do you believe that Auchenhowie will produce sufficient numbers of talented players to ensure that we dont need to spend millions bringing talent to the club?


17. Do you believe that Rangers will directly profit from the sale of youngsters deemed good enough only for provincial SPL or English Championship sides?


18. In light of Manchester United's rumoured interest in John Fleck, do you believe Rangers will ever lose out on one of their own youth prospects to a more prosperous team because of Rangers Youth Development's intention to be self-funding?


18 questions split half and half - 9 questions regarding the running of our club and 9 regarding the consequences for our performances on the park. I dont think I'm being harsh here. I genuinely want to know what fans who favour Murray's tenure as custodian believe in relation to his overall performance.

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Guest Stan Smith
But when have the club been in crisis?

A bad state ?


Never .



So what is murray to blame for ?

He nearly bankrupted us forfuxake.

He sold off Ibrox house (it belonged to Rangers) and gave it to one of his companies

He sold off the Albion Carpark to one of his companies (run by his son) who now charge Rangers fans to park there making his company profit!

He used Rangers fans as the guinea pigs for his smartcard system (one of his companies) so we had to live with the fck-ups while other "customers" reaped the benfit.

He awarded the catering to one of his companies

He shut down the ticket office and moved it to a 3rd division style portakabin.I refuse to believe there is aRangers supporter alive who finds that acceptable.

He allows Graham Spiers and other LIARS to lie about our club, our heritage and allows them to make up damaging stories.

He allows NBM to continue there one way crusade against us.

He allows access to journos who damage the club and support by openly hating us.

He allowed UEFA to shaft us and rolled over and asked if they could fck us up the erse.

He employess snoops in the crowd to grass on bears and take away season tickets without ever discussing their onnocence.

He lies about supporters groups

He only ever reacts to bad press when the comments are directed against him and him alone.

He got rid of Campbell Ogilvie and others because he backed that prik Bain

He allows McIntyre to say things like watp is sectarian :mad:

He allows grass a bear lines to be set up

He lies about minutes silences for Ibrox legends

I could go on all day.

Why do you think we have no money? Why do you think we have no ambition? Why have the *******s from the brink of existinction.caught up and overtaken Rangers in all aspects from money, players, revenue, shops and PR perception? Aye it isnt David Murrays fault right enough. Must be someone else

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