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Rangers Newco And The Banks

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I just got back from London a week ago. Was walking about with the wife and said "I have never heard of metro banks".


There plastered everywhere in London now. So if they're good enough for London and its customers it is good enough for me.

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Interesting philosophy to challenge "stupid bank rules" http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/jul/29/metro-high-street-bank-opens


and a very competitive credit card http://www.money.co.uk/credit-cards/card-issuers/Metro-Bank-Credit-Card.htm


I think I'm correct in saying that they also run CC's for other brands.


"it now has over 80,000 accounts" http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/41a6d76c-b2e8-11e1-a1d4-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1zMN7ybfn

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I just got back from London a week ago. Was walking about with the wife and said "I have never heard of metro banks".


There plastered everywhere in London now. So if they're good enough for London and its customers it is good enough for me.


You think the London financial model is a good one to follow?!

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their mo appears to be transfer things without asking and hope for the best.


players, stadium & direct debits. everyone transfered without prior consultation.


everyone a fuck up.


What was wrong with the transfer of the assets?


What was wrong with the transfer of the directy debits? If he'd started from scratch, you'd be criticising him for that as well.


What was wrong with the attempted transfer of the players? All he could do was try and make them transfer across. No matter who was in charge or what was done the outcome would have been the same.


Just another attempt at gratuitous Green bashing.

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