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RFFF meeting with fans reps - 4/7/12

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I'm not sure that that's right GA.


Collective responsibility in this context means that each individual is required to publicly support the decision taken by the majority even if privately they disagree with them.


However, I don't think that involves a loss of integrity.


One aspect of integrity is having high moral values and I think it is arguable that one way to demonstrate that is by putting the good of the Club ahead of one's own personal beliefs.




Actually thought quite a lot about this last night and you & Shuggie are right on this point BH.

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You know me better than that.


I make absolutely no comment about you or the majority of your RST board members, many of whom I have the utmost respect for as you well know.


If you disagree that people are actively working agsinst the owners of our club, then we will have to agree to disagree on that one. I firmly believe that there are.


You are of course correct in that the meeting of the RFFF I refer to was the original meeting, not the follow-up one on the day of the march. The facts of how it happened are correct however. There can be no doubt that Mark is there as a rep of the RST/FF. If the RST board wish to have a different rep involved in the RFFF that is your right. What cannot be argued is that the RST has been actively supporting many groups, Blue Knights, McColl, Brown, and have never given any support to the current owners, despite being shown the same evidence as the rest of the RFFF which proves funding etc. Why is that?


I didnt ask for anyone to stand down, that is not my right. I find it difficult to understand how anyone can stay on the RFFF committee while backing other groups. I only stated that it was suggested he stand down, and he declined.


I hope you are able to attend the meeting on Wednesday in order that you can hear the answers to the questions you are unsure about, and hopefully reassure you, like me and many others, that the current owners are worthy of our ST renewal. Personally I have not returned my ST either, not because I think Green is going to steal the money, not beacuse I am unsure if I am going to go next season or not, but in principle until I understand that we have a league to play in, what league that is, and what the cost of the ST will be to watch it. Hopefully these far more important issues are resolved soon and we can all get behind the team and the club going forward.


Well I did promise a fuller reply TB. I realise you were not getting at the RST. In your original post you talked about harming the club but now you're talking about working against the owners of the club (whoever they are). I see the club and the owners as two different things and I have major doubts about them. It's true we (along with the Assembly and Association) supported TBK through the bidding process. We also supported Walter's consortium along with the majority of the support. We have not said anything about Bomber's bid as I'm not sure we know anything about it.

I'd be interested to find out what the proof of funding that was shown to the committee. Was this the proposed additional £20M we're getting by the end of July? I'll certainly be there on Wednesday to find out these things. My own feeling is that the RFFF should be wound up as we are no longer in administration. This is not a dig at any of the fans on the committee as I think they were doing a good job (although I didn't agree with the payment to Dunfermline). Perhaps it is time to expand the Assembly and invite some of the people onto it but the RFFF should have been a short term group and it's causing even more confusion amongst the fans. All just my opinion.

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I'm not going to the meeting on Wednesday as i'm only rank and file Bear, but my hope is they disband all supporters organisation and there representatives. Remove all club reps, club liaison officers and office bearers connected to dealing with the supporters.


Incorporate a new independent supporters committee bringing everything together dealing with supporters and the supporters clubs. Invite applications for the post of fans committee representative. Previous office bearers can reapply for the positions as can rank and file Bears who have the no experience other than being a supporter let the supporters decide who they wish to represent them by a vote a the earliest opportunity of the first open meeting for elections of the Rangers supporters committee.


In future let the supporters committee be the link between the support and club.

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I think there may be a few from here going, Frankie and Bluedell and myself for starters.


Cant wait for this now, and from what ive been told about who is going to be there and what is going to be discussed it promises to be a very interesting evening.

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I think there may be a few from here going, Frankie and Bluedell and myself for starters.


Cant wait for this now, and from what ive been told about who is going to be there and what is going to be discussed it promises to be a very interesting evening.


Who's going to be in attendance??

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