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Potential Bombshell for Regan & Liewall over Emails (Oleg)

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From rm



Today, I have been told by source who has previous for being bang on, that Regan and Lawwell's email exchanges over the last year have been hacked.


In these emails, going back to June and July, Regan and Lawwell both knew that Whyte was far from fit and proper. Indeed, the wording apparently reveals that they had strong suspicions before that, when our independent committee spoke out against Whyte's acquisition of the club.


Furthermore, right up to January, they agreed to "let this one play out" so as to allow Whyte to create as big a mess as possible. After that, once Rangers have suffered, Regan and the SFA step in to hammer us.


They also appear to have attempted to get a private investigator with a record of fraud onto the inside, but failed. They then went through another party linked to rangerstaxcase.com, whilst hiding the official club involvement from anyone related to the bloggers due to potential political issues and the possibility of loud mouths bragging about the club getting onside.


I am convinced that this is true and I'm not surprised at all, even if I am outraged. It's far beyond the point were Regan should be pressured by thge media. He should be out a job, being investigate by the police. You can only rely on one thing with these fuckers, they will do their utmost to fuck us over time and again.


Once we've won our fight for survival, I know what my next battle is.

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