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Instead of revenge should we show them how it's done?

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Just thinking about how shit almost all the Scottish teams have been to us in our time of trouble.


In an amazing juxtaposition, when Woolwich Arsenal were in financial trouble, Rangers bought two shares in their club to help them through a bad patch and keep them as a going concern.


Maybe we need to show Scottish football how it is done and have the fans create a fund that would invest in a share issue of a 3rd division club if it saves them from going to the wall as long as they are in a position to survive for some time after with the cash injection.


In my mind, we're talking about say £20k.


Now that would really show them that We Are the People.

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Just thinking about how shit almost all the Scottish teams have been to us in our time of trouble.


In an amazing juxtaposition, when Woolwich Arsenal were in financial trouble, Rangers bought two shares in their club to help them through a bad patch and keep them as a going concern.


Maybe we need to show Scottish football how it is done and have the fans create a fund that would invest in a share issue of a 3rd division club if it saves them from going to the wall as long as they are in a position to survive for some time after with the cash injection.


In my mind, we're talking about say £20k.


Now that would really show them that We Are the People.

That kind of magnanimity would go a long way to see us restore our tattered reputation. I've been away from Scotland for a long time but never realised how much we are loathed. Are Manure and Chelski loathed the same way in England? I'm not sure.
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I want to go down to the third division and let those who are so blinded by their hate wallow in their spite. Clubs will follow us, of that im sure. But then again they will probably change the rules to suit themselves.

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People closer to Rangers' home may see it differently, but IMHO not many people out there "hate" us. What fills them is a lot of envy and that grand feeling of having the power to get one over us after years of dominating them. The feeling in England towards ManU or Chelsea will be different, since they have so much more "grand teams" of old and new, greater competition and local derbies to disperse their focus.

Furthermore, all these talk of "sporting integrity" from top to bottom is just the normal wetting of pants, since should Rangers drop into Div 1, they will become instant promotion challengers to the resident usual suspects. They all see the gold (what little there is) of the SPL at the end of the SFL season, so they will not want to jeopardize that by voting Rangers in (if somesuch is actually needed). The very same would be true for any English League and hence, the resident usual suspects for end of season top-spot-fighting will say no. So in this respect, only the lowest tier of the SFL will have an open place for us, if the rest is promoted upwards to fill our vacancy. BTW, we will watch a neat fight between Dundee und Dunfermline about that Club 12 slot. We'll see how much sporting integrity is worth here.

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Guest Dutchy

A good example of hate is they're forever going on about our anti catholic signing policy, but when we mention their child abuse, they manage to turn it around as making fun about the victims.


Most other fans seem to think that that is bad of us, even to the point of forgetting who wasn't victims families when they were doing these sickening things.


But there you have it, hating the down drodden Irish catholics is worse than pointing out their misdeeds.


I actually don't hate catholics, I just don't like them, or their hypocracy.

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Guest Dutchy
BTW, when I write about others hating us, I exclude the Scum. They live in a different dimension entirely.


I was trying ot point oout how they garnether sympaphy in their hate from other clubs fans, but I'm not much of a writer, especially as I was chatting on messenger at the same time.


I have my moments though! lol

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A good example of hate is they're forever going on about our anti catholic signing policy, but when we mention their child abuse, they manage to turn it around as making fun about the victims.


Most other fans seem to think that that is bad of us, even to the point of forgetting who wasn't victims families when they were doing these sickening things.


But there you have it, hating the down drodden Irish catholics is worse than pointing out their misdeeds.


I actually don't hate catholics, I just don't like them, or their hypocracy.


I've been puzzled by the 'Protestants only' employment policy being trotted out recently as another stick to beat us with. It hasn't been in place on any level since the mid 1980s, over a quarter of a century ago and we were hardly the only organisation in Glasgow to have such a policy yet we seem to be the only one that still gets grief for it. I've yet to hear anyone suggest The Herald or Collins are a disgrace to publishing because they had a Protestant only employment policy during the last century.


Berliner, got to say from this distance it feels like hatred, any semblance of footballing rivalry has disappeared. Football in this country will never be the same again for me.

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Just thinking about how shit almost all the Scottish teams have been to us in our time of trouble.


In an amazing juxtaposition, when Woolwich Arsenal were in financial trouble, Rangers bought two shares in their club to help them through a bad patch and keep them as a going concern.


Maybe we need to show Scottish football how it is done and have the fans create a fund that would invest in a share issue of a 3rd division club if it saves them from going to the wall as long as they are in a position to survive for some time after with the cash injection.


In my mind, we're talking about say £20k.


Now that would really show them that We Are the People.

It would be a magnanimous gesture and the idea should be applauded but I don't think our support would stomach just now. Maybe when/if the dust settles.

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