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Lawyer asks whether SPL clubs sought legal advice

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Snatched from FF:


David Roberts‏@thesportslawguy


Very surprised that SPL clubs have said they will vote against #Rangers newco. Sporting integrity or financial suicide? Time will tell.


I hope the directors of SPL clubs voting against #Rangers staying in the SPL take very careful legal advice.


Tho' fans of SPL clubs may want #Rangers out, their board owes statutory duties to promote the success of their club.


Directors of SPL clubs could be in breach of thier statutory duties by voting #Rangers Newco out of the SPL.


+ + +


IMHO, the supporters are simply used as a shield to hide behind ...

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Interesting take on this. Rangers as a club and more specifically their directors are being blamed under corporate responsibility for allowing Craig White to get away with what he did. Presumably other clubs and their directors will be treated with the same scrutiny and processes if they are found to be negligent.

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It could be interested if any other club goes into administration, and the direct cause is shown to be the reduced revenue as a result of not having Rangers. The Directors of said club could then be held accountable....possibly!!!

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It could be interested if any other club goes into administration, and the direct cause is shown to be the reduced revenue as a result of not having Rangers. The Directors of said club could then be held accountable....possibly!!!


Company directors hold something called a fiduciary obligation. That obligation essentially holds them to account for the well being of the company itself.


I believe this obligation may even extend to actions taken after the director has left his post. For instance, I resigned a directorship a few years ago, set up a company to compete with the old one and they came after me under my fiduciary obligation to the first company!


One little line that I read on the internet at the time, which stuck in my head, is that a fiduciary is expected to operate "at a level higher than that trodden by the crowd". I don't know if that is enshrined in UK law but if it is I don't think SPL chairmen are quite hitting the mark...

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if a club goes bust decause of the actions of its directors..........


But that is a toooootally different scenario!!!!!!! You see, they are not The vile and evil Rangers!


Coming to think of it, they will blame this on us too.

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Should be some fun when they have go cap in hand to their bank managers for increased facilities and are told, "You made your own bed now lay in it."


Hopefully one or two of these clubs have bank managers who are Rangers fans!! :tu:


"We can't extend your credit facilities for reasons of banking integrity"... :coolio:

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