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In Defence of Steven Naismith

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They should have enough intelligence to make their own minds up, certainly in the case of Naismith who is meant to be a fan i'd expect him to realise the club still goes on and that people will state otherwise because they don't like us.

We're a club that won't have European football anytime soon, we also need to start at the bottom, the way the SPL vote will go has been made public pretty much over the last few days. If players who leave just came out and said the Scottish Lower leagues is not how they see their career progressing then I really would have no issue.


Why should Naismith be able to make up his own mind more than another player just because he is a Rangers fan ? Being a Rangers fan makes you no less, or more, gullible to the drip-drip of the anti-Rangers media.


Anger toward him more than Whittaker is based on a couple of factors, one being he is a Rangers fan and the other being he is a vastly more talented player than Whittaker.


They made remarks which were folly for our haters, but the "new club" and "no history" guff will only hold true if WE let it hold true. Which we wont.

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Why should Naismith be able to make up his own mind more than another player just because he is a Rangers fan ? Being a Rangers fan makes you no less, or more, gullible to the drip-drip of the anti-Rangers media.


Anger toward him more than Whittaker is based on a couple of factors, one being he is a Rangers fan and the other being he is a vastly more talented player than Whittaker.


They made remarks which were folly for our haters, but the "new club" and "no history" guff will only hold true if WE let it hold true. Which we wont.

Of course, doesn't help having popular players say it though, and it makes it very difficult to wish Naismith any luck or remember him fondly, for me anyway.

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Of course, doesn't help having popular players say it though, and it makes it very difficult to wish Naismith any luck or remember him fondly, for me anyway.


Which is your prerogative obviously.


I am deeply disappointed at Naismith leaving, gutted in fact. But I have more of a "oh well" attitude, it is incredibly naive of us to think these guys would stay.


I understand those who are angry at the "new club" "no history" comments but my take on that is that it is only a reality if we LET it be, so I am not overly concerned about them making that comment. Plenty of other clubs in history to prove the case that the history remains - their words alone will not see the club's history die with it. No matter how disappointing the words were.


Am I right in my assumption that there is far more anger being levelled at Naismith for leaving than Whittaker ? I am only a Gersnet member so not sure.

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They made remarks which were folly for our haters, but the "new club" and "no history" guff will only hold true if WE let it hold true. Which we wont.


Have to agree with Craig here. It's inevitable that we're going to lose players. It's possibly easier to tell which players are likely to stay as opposed to those who will leave, especially if we drop to Div3. Of course we would expect both players to leave for the sake of their careers if we're forced to start from Div3, but they did so preemptively.


The timing of their decision and excuses given by Whittaker and Naismith were difficult enough to comprehend never mind the fact that Naismith in particular gave ammo our enemies. In that sense it's not just an act of desertion, it's betrayal and that's hard to take.


As a 'Rangers fan' Naismith had an opportunity to leave with his head held high and unanimous best wishes from the support. He could have spoken out in defense of the club and attacked those who have done so much damage to our club. He could have said that he no longer wanted to play in the Scottish game over what has transpired. Instead his statement was filled with as much squirming uncertainty as that which he claimed had forced him to make this decision.


It was clearly a difficult decision for both players to make never mind announce. In their defense they do at least deserve some credit for doing so rather than sneaking away and allowing media speculation to do the talking for them like others have done. They unfortunately didn't do a very good job of it. That's all.

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Am I right in my assumption that there is far more anger being levelled at Naismith for leaving than Whittaker ? I am only a Gersnet member so not sure.


Looks that way yes. Whittaker's statement was slightly better worded, but more to the point it wasn't just expected for Whittaker to leave. By a number of fans it was apparently hoped for.

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Looks that way yes. Whittaker's statement was slightly better worded, but more to the point it wasn't just expected for Whittaker to leave. By a number of fans it was apparently hoped for.


Yeah, I suspect much of the ire aimed at Naismith is because of his talent, whilst many would gladly drive Whittaker away themselves.


The statements didnt help either - but has anyone given a thought that much of the statements may have been drafted by their solicitors rather than the players themselves ?

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I'm hurt because Naisy is one of us, die in the wool Bluenose, but his comments on why he's leaving are simply staggering. As the saying goes " The higher you are held up the greater the fall ". Well we held you high Naisy and you cut us to the core so take the fall.

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Which is your prerogative obviously.


I am deeply disappointed at Naismith leaving, gutted in fact. But I have more of a "oh well" attitude, it is incredibly naive of us to think these guys would stay.


I understand those who are angry at the "new club" "no history" comments but my take on that is that it is only a reality if we LET it be, so I am not overly concerned about them making that comment. Plenty of other clubs in history to prove the case that the history remains - their words alone will not see the club's history die with it. No matter how disappointing the words were.


Am I right in my assumption that there is far more anger being levelled at Naismith for leaving than Whittaker ? I am only a Gersnet member so not sure.

Pretty much my attitude in terms of leaving, but the comments rightly or wrongly i've found hurtful.


Naismith I expected better, Whittaker doesn't surprise me, never been a fan of his and wanted him sold after Malmo and the contract discussions. But Whittaker still owes us much more than the guff in his statement.

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The statements didnt help either - but has anyone given a thought that much of the statements may have been drafted by their solicitors rather than the players themselves ?


'Eh, um, it's just been all the uncertainty' - No, I don't think so.

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The people still backing these players are imo just cowards, the normal Rangers fans that are just to scared to ever say anything bad about the club or players. The way these lot have acted is shocking, but it's better to to get rid now as you would not want these types in the trenches with you.


Cowards? I've had little but grief since I wrote it, as I expected, this coward could have said nothing and had an easier day. If you think I'm too scared to criticise the club, players or indeed the support you don't know me very well.

Contrary Loyal!

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