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David Murray speaks....

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Only by choice. We can afford a higher level of debt as long as we manage it well. There is a time to be debt free and a time to borrow. Unfortunately Mr Murray has got those times 100% mixed up.


You need to spend your way out of trouble and pay it back when things are more abundant. You borrow during famine and pay it back when you can feast. We borrowed when we were feasting and paid it back during famine.


Debt is not a bad thing if it is say 20% of you turnover. It IS a very bad thing if it is 120% of turnover. It's all relative.


Unfortunately DM and many fans seem to see things more black and white and used to think debt == good, now they think debt == bad.


God knows how DM got to be a multi-millionaire with those attitudes. He's definitely far more reactive than proactive.

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