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Rangers: Doing The Right Thing

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You're making great points here, but let's talk about what the realistic alternatives are. So what are they? Seriously now, none of this wacky "let's move to Germany" nonsense! :smokin:


Thing is there aren't any realistic alternatives. What's realistic about thinking the real issues we're facing here would be resolved by dropping to the third division? Does anyone really think we'd be working our way back to anything but the foolish, narrow minded, hate filled cesspit we left behind?


Scottish football has well and truly imploded and we are currently and shall remain the scapegoat. There's no getting around that. If we're not accepted now we never will be.


So what are the alternatives?


England: The English league system comprises of a pyramid that should an application to join be accepted we might be able to work a deal to join at a reasonable level, but could just as easily find ourselves having to work our way up through 20 leagues.


The alternative would be to buy an existing club. This isn't likely to go down well with the supporters of said club, unless of course we were to give the local community a reason to support such a move.


Foreign: Applying to join a foreign league (German or French for instance) would be no different technically to applying to the English league. Sure, you might ask why on earth would they even give such a request consideration? In the case of Germany I see a sizeable local fanbase and no shortage of friendly clubs who may be willing to support us in our application. It works well with a fan ownership model, would be good for the tourist trade of both countries and even if we had to start from the bottom that's just 6 levels to the pyramid.


Euro league: This one's the most ambitious of the lot and despite being spoke about with a similar level of inevitability as the OF playing in the English prem it's by far the most hazardous. I would imagine that the likelihood of setting up such a league system within one or two years is low but still possible. Could we survive by only playing friendlies in the meantime though and would it be worth the risk?

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Have to say that I agree with Bluedell, Calscot & der Berliner on this.


I'd also like to say that I disagree with the concept of us deciding our own punishment for a variety of reasons, but the main one is actually that deciding our own punishment would not be the end of it, especially if our decision (to for example just apply to the SFL) had a catastrophic effect on certain other SPL clubs, forcing them into administration too.


You're potentially advocating that the club hand the SFA an extremely good reason to permanently terminate our membership.


That's an interesting take on it.

I suppose it's predicated on the SFA being minded to do that anyway. I'm not sure they are, if they are though they have the power and ammunition they need already. Our 'doing the right thing' seems unlikely to be the final straw for them, particularly as it seems the strength of feeling for other SPL clubs seems to be favouring a 'no' vote currently. If Dundee Utd and Hearts get into bother next season (and how can't they?) I'm not sure the finger of blame can be pointed at us for long. If it is we can always say 'do what we did, come down here too'.


If the SFA kick us out then the search for a new homes begins, I'm not sure that's a terrible option either to be honest, in some ways preferable even.

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The case still rests with the SPL. If they "kick us out", the real bother begins. Of course, you wonder if there are appeal bodies in this. After all, as Zappa has said, the punishment is way over the top and has no precedence. If the SPL and consequently the SFA have no answer to this, they should let professional people decide on this.


As it looks the SFA, SPL and SFA are hastily looking for a 2-tier SPL arrangement. Given the power games involved, this will be decided by ... well Christmas.


Will they blame us for this? Why should they? They will of course, but right in turn, we can simply say: had you had any brains and acted sensibly (as was done with Leeds, Motherwell, Dundee et al), there would not have been a problem. Your hatred, arrogance, envy, and ignorance got the better of you. Now you can dance to your own music.

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I now find myself in the unusual position of wanting my team, Rangers, to be playing in that league next season. I think that would be the dignified and right thing to do.


Agreed 100% and also agree with your reasons.

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Obviously, if they go the full monty, we should buy a bit of concrete, cement our balls and sue the SFA all the way (starting just ahead of the CL qualifiers). Thus, as it stands, UEFA will suspend all the SFA teams from European competition and I wonder how our friends in the SPL and media will like that.


If they go the full monty that is ...

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