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Traynor- Posturing Rangers Businessmen

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IMO gets it right with this,




By jim Traynor on Jun 20, 12 09:03 AM in rangers

IF Rangers were a horse someone would be reaching for a loaded rifle aiming to do the decent and humane thing. Rangers would be shot, put out of their misery.


But Rangers aren't some pathetic old flea-ridden nag deliberately left behind by the circus. Apparently they are much worse than that. No sympathy, just poke them with sticks to see if they're still alive.


Pity is not to be wasted on them. Pity is for beaten up, clapped out curs, cats, donkeys and monkeys. If they are lucky they'll be cared for by some rich, eccentric old lady or the RSPCA.


Rangers are at the mercy of the egocentric, penalty pushing SFA and SPL.


And of course the "roll up, roll right up" ringmaster himself, Charles Green.


It's impossible to say if his newco have a bright future because it isn't certain they have a future at all even if Green insists the years ahead will be glorious. He's said a lot but much of it has turned out to be little more than bluster and bull.


Wait, though. Give Green his due. He said he'd buy the club and he bought it. He promised he'd pull investors out of his top hat and last week he yanked them into view.


But unfortunately for him, Rangers fans have still not bought the tickets to his show, even if it is the only one in town. Maybe they're just being polite and standing to one side so that the 16 other investors Green promised can pay in first.


They could be there for a while but it shouldn't matter too much because Green's show will go on, won't it? After all, he did point out there would be £30million, perhaps even £40m, in the club's account before the start of the new season.


When the fans see the millions rolling in they might warm to Green but the full and unwavering support of Rangers' followers isn't something he'll be taking to the bank in the near future, not unless someone in whom the masses trust leads the way. That person won't be Walter Smith.


I think he's had enough. He won't be fronting for anyone. Ever.


One time was probably once too often for the old club's former manager, who was tempted to take the lead in a group involving Jim McColl and Douglas Park.


People close to Smith told him to let them get on with it but, just as the Blue Knights and one or two of the other bidders had done, they asked for his help. This time he felt obliged.


Now he, like every other Rangers fan, might be feeling a little let down.


This ill-timed and poorly thought out venture didn't go anything like the plan given to Smith. So only a few days after the euphoria caused by the thought of their former manager rushing to the rescue, the fans came crashing back to earth yesterday.


Six days after breaking cover Smith's group decided not to contest, or test, the Green consortium's ownership further.


A couple of hours before Green bought Rangers and the assets out of liquidation for £5.5m was far too late because Duff and Phelps and Green had a binding agreement. It couldn't be broken and that's why McColl then had to spend the weekend negotiating with Green and his people, especially Zeus Capital, a London investment bank who appear to be the real powerbrokers.


Two of their men, Brian Stockbridge and Imran Ahmad, have been appointed finance director and non-executive director respectively but it's understood Zeus also brought the new chairman, Malcolm Murray, to the table.


Is it scribbled on an ancient scroll in some secret place that there must be a Murray connected with Rangers? Apparently this new one is also a Rangers fan. Green will be relieved knowing at least one supporter will be buying a season ticket.


But despite the weekend talks there was no sight of a breakthrough and when Green's group suggested joining forces with Smith and his men, that was it. Certainly for Smith. Game over.


Neither McColl not Park will team up with the other lot and yesterday's statement saying so was just another black day for all those Rangers fans whose emotions have been lifted and crushed almost daily.


They don't want Green but he's right. His is the only show in town.


While other bidders dithered or wasted time trying to undermine their opponents instead of getting their own offer in order, Green, or rather Zeus, saw an opportunity to get in and make some money. They insist they are in for the long haul and although it was a decent move to put Murray, a Rangers fan, in as chairman the fans need more persuading before they'll buy season tickets.


We might be about to see if Murray is a people person because the fans have heard enough from Green and also know he had it in mind to sack Ally McCoist despite his poor effort to rubbish that Record story.


They should know, too, that Green had to eat a large helping of humble pie to get McCoist to stay on for the time being but the harsh reality facing Rangers fans is that Zeus, Green and Murray are running the show.


However, the fans are not powerless because despite all the nonsense about tens of millions of pounds set to flow into the new club it's season-ticket revenue which will make or break this regime. The fans must choose but they should stop listening to all the people on the sidelines.


The Blue Knights' Paul Murray and Brian Kennedy, Douglas Park and now Jim McColl. And Dave King? What on earth is he trying to do or prove by showing up at Ibrox at this late stage?


They claim to be diehards and all insist they have only Rangers' best interests at heart. They didn't want the club to fall into the wrong hands or the hands of people they just didn't fancy.


Well, gentlemen, you failed your club. These men spoke and postured but didn't put up. Yet they had ample opportunity and time.


They also have the money, more than Green will ever possess yet he's in and they aren't. They can blame no one for that but themselves. They just didn't do enough and it must be so galling for Rangers fans that if even one of these Scottish bidders had stepped forward just more than a year ago Craig Whyte would have been denied.


And of course a year of purgatory could have been avoided. But more than 12 months down the line they were still full of not much more than hot air, so let's have no more from them.


They didn't put up and now should shut up and let the fans decide. But before that they should try to focus on what it is Zeus, with this character Green as a frontman, want with Rangers when Lloyds just wanted shot of them.


What does a London bank want with a club that Lloyds just wanted to be shot of?

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I think all that is fair enough.


However the sheer amount of variables in this saga does mean it must be difficult for all - including Green obviously.


Today's RFFF meeting will hopefully provide some clarity.

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Really get f#^king sick to the back teeth with these Rangers men moaning about everybody else and how wrong they are doing things.


Where the f#*k were you all for the last few months arguing amongst yourselves while Rome burned, so for the final time from this Bear.


F#+K OFF and leave us to look after the club you had your chance and you blew it big time again.


Oh and not a bad article from the Fat Fud the holiday must've done him some good.

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this morning i was watching a money show on cnn the main topic was that a million pound these days is :nothing: and it saddens me to see these so called rangers men not willing to make charles green an offer for the club that he will take and go back to yorkshire and his horses its so sad that thec lub will suffer because our so called rich would rather keep their money in the pocket rather than buying a great football club .

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Guest Oso de Campo

The old bassa Traynor is unusally spot on.


Actually his recent writing has stood out, although not always accurate or without agenda, it has been a cut above the bile from elsewhere...

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  Oso de Campo said:
The old bassa Traynor is unusally spot on.


Actually his recent writing has stood out, although not always accurate or without agenda, it has been a cut above the bile from elsewhere...


Good point. I think he has been far more temperate this his (il)literate peers.

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Guest govansw1

The BBC now Traynor referring to The Rangers FC as old/new club. The club has many things to deal with but surely the Media Dept should be correcting this.

Edited by govansw1
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