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WALTER SMITH two-year blueprint

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  simplythebest said:
Blueprints when we don't know what league we'll be in doesn't sound likely.


The guys involved will be used to scenario planning. I don't think its unlikely at all that they can put together investment plans to cover both Div 3 / SPL routes, especially if they're not especially concerned about the short term return on that investment.

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Smith provides a rallying point for the support (hopefully) to unite around. Green & co were always going to "flip" the club at the first profitable opportunity, so I'd much rather it was to a group that a) are known to me b) have serious money c) whose motives are clear and d) I trust.


I particularly trust this group to appoint the right calibre of individual to run the club / company and I think it's highly unlikely that they'll be doing it themselves.


My one hope is that this can be sorted quickly and that will depend on how much working capital Green has available, how flexible Smith's backers are prepared to be on price and who blinks first....

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Matter of fact, I have no idea how the current chairman and the current directors can be evaluated. It certainly looks like Imram Ahmad knows his stuff and I for one would rather like a few non-football people dong parts of the business stuff ... or, to put it differently, have a certain objectivity when it comes to business matters.


A major mistake was the way the Smith group challenged the Green bid head on, instantly causing ill feelings not only amongst the Green folk, but also amongst the support.

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Agree that we can't judge the Green appointees, but they were only ever going to be short term, however good they are. Was it a mistake taking Green head on in public? Well, I think it will have reduced the amount of profit Green and co pocket at the end of this, but equally you can argue that it's destabilising to the newco's short term financing.


I guess you take your pick and while I don't grudge Green & co a modest return for all the time and grief they've gone through, I don't want them to suck up too much cash from those who have the long term interests of the club at heart.

Edited by Mountain Bear
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What I still not understand is that people think because some of Green's folk are "businessmen" (you'd think that is a crime when reading some stuff on here or FF), they are likely to make quick money and go away. Have these people actualy spend a thought on somesuch? How Green and Co. would make much money out of Rangers FC as we are now? By selling assets! Oh really! Try again. The club is financially and football-wise stricken like never before. Even though we've shed all the EBT and debt baggage, before we run smoothly, there need to be income streams. In the current climate fans are hesitant, sponsors are hard to find ... so Green's folk will have to invest, invest, and invest. And hoping that in a few years time we turn the tide and make profits again. These financial brains who continuously claim that Green & Co. are in for money should really think about this and explain to the us how they can make quick and much money out of us.


I for one am not of the opinion that they actually harboured any idea that a wealthy buyer et al would come looking for us any time soon. Smith & Co. could be their golden cow, of course. But that was sure not in their plans.

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  TheWeeBlueDevil said:

Smith will battle to encourage new investment into Gers and when that has been achieved he will step down.


Is that not basically what CG has said he'll do??? Once his job is done, he's offski.


As someone pointed out, another article with lots of mibees - no direct quotes, and no actual figures to report. We'll see over the next few days if an official bid comes to fruition.

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  the gunslinger said:
smiths consortium sound about perfect. real rangers fans with proper cash. its what I hoped would come forward months ago.


mccoll, king & park. propose big hitters.

KING, you say? Dave King? Where have you heard his name mentioned? Or do you think he's always been there in the background, given he was coinvinced we would be liquidated?
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  alexscottislegend said:
KING, you say? Dave King? Where have you heard his name mentioned? Or do you think he's always been there in the background, given he was coinvinced we would be liquidated?


an article posted last night said he was flying in to back Walter.

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