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Not for sale! Green

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Charles Green has vowed to resist mounting pressure to sell Rangers after a dramatic 11th-hour bid from a consortium fronted by club legend Walter Smith.

On the day Rangers were formally liquidated, the Yorkshireman transferred the old clubâ??s assets over to a newco for £5.5million and completed his takeover.


Denying reports he intends to ditch manager Ally McCoist, Green set out his long-term plans by appointing himself chief executive, naming a new board of directors and identifying his investors.

In the process, Green doused supporter hopes that he might accept the £6m offer from the Smith consortium â?? also featuring multi-millionaire businessmen Jim McColl and Douglas Park â?? to walk away.


â??Iâ??m not surprised that anyone has an interest in buying Rangers because itâ??s such a great institution,â?? said Green. â??What I am surprised about is why people would come in on the day that everyone knows is completion day and think that they could buy it.

â??Walter stated that he was looking to negotiate to buy the club â?? well, no oneâ??s rung me. Iâ??ve never spoken to Jim McColl or Walter in my life. Iâ??ve said from May 13, anybody can come to this club and join my team. Unless the money is from prostitution, drug dealing or child trafficking then Iâ??ll take the money.â??

Green was responding to a shock statement from Smith earlier in the afternoon which prompted excitement amongst supporters.

It read: â??I can today confirm that, following talks over the last few weeks, I am leading a new bid for Rangers Football Club.

â??I have been assisted by Jim McColl, Douglas Park and other prominent Scottish businessmen with a shared objective â?? that Rangers Football Club should be in the hands of Rangers people, who will stabilise the club and protect it from future situations like we find ourselves in today.

â??With this in mind, representatives have, on behalf of my group, made representations to BDO, Duff & Phelps and, indeed, Charles Green, notifying them of our willingness to offer on the newco basis on which Mr Green is proceeding.

â??We would call on Mr Green to step aside and allow us to proceed with our deal, which is in the best interests of the creditors, the employees, the fans and the various other stakeholders of Rangers Football Club.

â??None of our group has any desire to own Rangers FC but we have put this deal in place to save the club.

â??However, our overriding objective is to ensure that the stadium, the history and everything else magical about Rangers is protected and nurtured back to good health and provide a platform for Rangers for generations to come.â??


And last night businessman McColl, who is reported to be worth £800m, added in his own statement: â??I would like to issue a public appeal to Charles Green to strongly consider selling the club to the Walter Smith consortium.

â??This would be in the best interests of Rangers FC, the fans and all of Scottish football. Mr Green does not have the backing of the Rangers support and the longer he delays, the harder the situation will become.â??

The opportunity remains for the Smith consortium to make Green and his investors an offer they cannot refuse, amid fears supporters will abstain from buying season tickets under the new regime.

Ruling out a future sale, however, Green added: â??Iâ??ve got a fiduciary duty to report back to investors any offer that is made for the club but Iâ??ve also bought shares and put my own cash in. So would I sell my shares? No â?? because I believe this is a great club and itâ??ll go forward.

â??To come in and suggest weâ??ll make a quick buck â?? I can assure you there are easier ways to make a quick buck than I have experienced in the four months weâ??ve been involved in it, with late nights, hard work, the legal fees and hours that have been put in.

â??I actually get insulted by that because if someone wanted this club they should have bought it. I got criticised for being the last one in.


â??It was: â??Where did he come from? Nobody knows about him. He canâ??t be seriousâ?. Every single thing Iâ??ve done Iâ??ve been criticised for and every single thing Iâ??ve promised, Iâ??ve delivered.

â??I donâ??t have a problem with them â?? whether itâ??s Ally, Jim McColl or Walter. Weâ??ve said since the first day that people who want to buy shares can buy shares.â??

Green also trained his sights on former director Dave King, suggesting the South African-based businessman was working to destabilise the new regime by telling McCoist he is about to be sacked.

The Ibrox manager had spent yesterday considering his future after being informed by a third party he was to be axed. Green denies that, accusing King â?? a vocal opponent of his takeover â?? of spreading misinform-


Sources close to McCoist, meanwhile, say he will only go if he is sacked and handed a £1.5m pay-off.

â??If I was getting rid of Ally, I would say to him, face to face: â??Ally â?? Iâ??m sacking youâ??. Thatâ??s never happened,â?? Green insisted. â??In fact, the second meeting I ever had with Ally was in the office here at Ibrox where I said to him: â??Iâ??m quite happy to put a clause in my contract that says the day you get sackedâ? â?? because inevitably it would be me doing it â?? â??I leave, tooâ?.

â??That was so Ally knew and understood it wouldnâ??t help me one iota for him to fail and that he had my support. Ally will confirm that.â??




Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2159581/Charles-Green-blanks-calls-sell-Rangers-Walter-Smith-consortium.html#ixzz1xoh1KjQj

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