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Walter Smith leads bid to buy Rangers

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Fair enough. Sitting duck for the snipers and surely embarrassing for him.


I find it hard to believe that following HRMC's decision and our likely Newco scenario that Green wouldn't have consulted with those investors he named today to be given the go-ahead to do so. Rather convenient that Mr Hart claims to have always been backing DP.

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I find it hard to believe that following HRMC's decision and our likely Newco scenario that Green wouldn't have consulted with those investors he named today to be given the go-ahead to do so. Rather convenient that Mr Hart claims to have always been backing DP.


What struck me in the interview on RTV was Green saying he would name the Far East members tomorrow once he's had their permission. Time zone issues, apparently. I could be reading too much into that, but two weeks ago he said he'd name all the backers and it's been rumoured for a while Far East backers were involved. Should he not have at least been ready to name all of them?

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What struck me in the interview on RTV was Green saying he would name the Far East members tomorrow once he's had their permission. Time zone issues, apparently. I could be reading too much into that, but two weeks ago he said he'd name all the backers and it's been rumoured for a while Far East backers were involved. Should he not have at least been ready to name all of them?


Maybe the sale to the Newco needed to be confirmed first. One thing's for sure - They can't have been investing very much or else I don't think time zones would have got in the way.

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What struck me in the interview on RTV was Green saying he would name the Far East members tomorrow once he's had their permission. Time zone issues, apparently. I could be reading too much into that, but two weeks ago he said he'd name all the backers and it's been rumoured for a while Far East backers were involved. Should he not have at least been ready to name all of them?


Possibly it could well be that some of them were (back then) only willing to go the CVA route, some who would go with the newco. Maybe some of the latter got cold feet now and he demands definite answers. Another Hart needs to be avoided, I'd assume.

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What struck me in the interview on RTV was Green saying he would name the Far East members tomorrow once he's had their permission. Time zone issues, apparently. I could be reading too much into that, but two weeks ago he said he'd name all the backers and it's been rumoured for a while Far East backers were involved. Should he not have at least been ready to name all of them?


I'm led to believe that he had indeed a couple of bona fide Far Eastern investors but they have dropped out.


That's not including the Indonesian banker Rafat Rizvi who may well still be involved.

Edited by forlanssister
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CVA decision? Shareholders meeting? Wouldn't you expect the manager being there?


Maybe it's just me, but I doubt if Ally would have come back to Glasgow from a well-deserved holiday in Portugal because of HMRC's (early) rejection of the CVA and the shareholders meeting wouldn't have been scheduled until after the creditors meeting today IIRC. Charles Green alone claimed that Ally came back from his holiday earlier this week because of the HMRC decision, but has Ally confirmed that himself?

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I'm actually surprised that more businessmen with limited funds but greedy eyes weren't on board with Mr Green. If you can come up with, I don't know, say £250,000 to help with the buyout and costs, you're in a prime spot to make your money over several times for doing very little. Zeus capital, who don't seem to have been doing well, spotted a good thing here.


Perhaps we ought to be grateful that Charles doesn't have more capitalist swine on board, lest the Smith group face an ever higher buy out fee.

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