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Richard Wilson Article In The Herald

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Unelected bourgeois leader who lived off the hard work of proletariat Wombles such as Tomsk, and whose exploitative relationship with Mme Cholet raised more than a few hairy, feminist eyebrows. Come the revolution down Wimbledon Common, he'll be the first one dragged up against the wall.

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One more Frankie I can't seem to find the option to switch off signatures?


Go to Settings/General Settings then scroll down to Thread Display Options and you'll see a check box for "Show Signatures". :tu:

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We're on live in most of the world anyway. I don't get why people think we can make money through TV. Even if we were as a big a team as some fans think we are, they forget we play games at the same time as the EPL, we can never ever compete with them


I thought that was the reason for televised fixtures being moved to suit Sky & ESPN's schedule. Like I was saying before though our hands are tied with the TV deal. We could probably get more TV money for our product, but not much.


Sponsorship on the other hand is one area that a club of our size could generate much more income if we were to be looking further afield for investment than our own backyard. We've got digital advertising boards that seem to spend most of there time displaying 'Advertise Here' messages.


We've got a shirt sponsorship deal with a Scottish brewery. Of course it's good to be promoting Scottish business but that doesn't mean we should be giving ourselves a pat on the back for securing a deal with Scotland's biggest piss (sorry, lager) manufacturer.


My point is that looking at our product as one that already has global reach and trying to expand and capitalise on that isn't necessarily akin to 'chasing rainbows'.

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Guest Xander1873

Aspiration should always be encouraged, you don't just accept the status quo. You get so far and then you go a little further, you don't accept limitations and certainly not where making money is concerned. People will buy anything and the amount of nonsense on sale in the world is a testament to that. We don't need to grow our business over the next two years, we need to be looking at growing the business over the next 20 years.


Rangers are 140 years old so let's work under the premise that we will be here 140 years from now and work a long term plan for growth not crazy spend your way to insolvency growth like Murray did but a sensible approach to growing existing revenue streams and exploiting new ones. Its true Scottish football is not on top at the moment, in fact we aren't even in the middle at the moment but things change and the financial mess of the past few years should tell us that.


There is money to be made out there and we should at the very least look into the feasibility of whether we can exploit those opportunities.

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Aspiration should always be encouraged, you don't just accept the status quo. You get so far and then you go a little further, you don't accept limitations and certainly not where making money is concerned. People will buy anything and the amount of nonsense on sale in the world is a testament to that. We don't need to grow our business over the next two years, we need to be looking at growing the business over the next 20 years.


Rangers are 140 years old so let's work under the premise that we will be here 140 years from now and work a long term plan for growth not crazy spend your way to insolvency growth like Murray did but a sensible approach to growing existing revenue streams and exploiting new ones. Its true Scottish football is not on top at the moment, in fact we aren't even in the middle at the moment but things change and the financial mess of the past few years should tell us that.


There is money to be made out there and we should at the very least look into the feasibility of whether we can exploit those opportunities.


Couldn't agree more. Obviously it needs to be a long term plan, but we should be constantly looking to improve. Going back to the shirt sponsor, our previous deals brought in significantly more revenue (the Carling one especially) compared to Tennents. That deal's up in 2013 and we should be looking at much bigger fish for their replacement.


As for kit manufacturer, if we can attract an unknown sports manufacturer from the far east (most of them are made there anyway) who would offer even a fifth of the £25m per season deal Liverpool recently got with Warrior sports, it would be a huge increase.


These are avenues we should be exploring and doing so without limitations.

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Guest Xander1873
Couldn't agree more. Obviously it needs to be a long term plan, but we should be constantly looking to improve. Going back to the shirt sponsor, our previous deals brought in significantly more revenue (the Carling one especially) compared to Tennents. That deal's up in 2013 and we should be looking at much bigger fish for their replacement.


As for kit manufacturer, if we can attract an unknown sports manufacturer from the far east (most of them are made there anyway) who would offer even a fifth of the £25m per season deal Liverpool recently got with Warrior sports, it would be a huge increase.


These are avenues we should be exploring and doing so without limitations.


I would like to see us explore the idea of having friendly clubs with whom we have a good relationship sell our merchandise in their stores and in return we could enlarge our store and sell a selection of their merchandise. Obviously once the JJB deal runs out we can offer a more widespread approach to selling their merchandise in Scotland and the UK as a whole. This would mean we could sell shirts etc around the globe without having to open shops or hire staff.

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