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Reaction to Lafferty's wedding in a Catholic church

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Seems the OP thinks everyone should think his way or be labeled Bigots good that he decides what does and what does not a bigot make.




Where does he say this? He gives his opinion on some people who clearly have a bigotted / intolerant mindset. Maybe people get annoyed by the words "bigotry" and "sectarianism", words who have indeed been used pretty freely of late, not least by the Scottish media and politicians. IMHO "intolerant" would be more appropriate. Speaking up against intolerance ain't putting Danny on any higher morale ground than any other poster. I could go on all day slamming Christian, Islam or any other monotheistic belief, as it is by default intolerant to any other belief (no need debating that, history is proof enough). I would imagine that e.g. if I say that I believe in my signature statement and "the fact that Fortune is going as she pleases" and it would be best to give her the odd prayer, people would laugh or scoff at me all day long, people groomed well by their monotheistic or atheistic schooling.* That would, in essence, be nothing but the intolerant behaviour shown by some towards Lafferty. Tolerance is the way forward for this club, despite the intolerance shown by the rest, not least the Scum. You'd hope it is included in the Rangers Standard and speaking up against intolerance on a civil level should be part and parcel of that standard.



*You'd obviously think that deep down in their hearts anyone would still not dare to tempt fate that way.

Edited by der Berliner
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Seems the OP thinks everyone should think his way or be labeled Bigots good that he decides what does and what does not a bigot make.


I think the scum and the catholic church have done a very good job with the weak minded and bereft of thought brigade.


If Lafferty was Jewish and got married in a Baptist church, it would matter as much to me as him being protestant and getting married in a chapel. Problem is it really does matter to people like you.

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Does one need to be a drunken ned to sing party songs, or does singing party songs make one a drunken ned?


I think drunken was the work word. I have no problem with people singing sorry if I suggested that but I had one particular experience in my head.:thup:

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Guest Xander1873
Taking the UK as a whole, a measly 1% of this 'Royal love' is taking place in Scotland. Towns and villages throughout our nation are displaying flags, bunting and cheery support for Her Majesty without a thought for Celtic or Irish Republicanism entering their heads.


I don't know about other parts of the country but my little corner [while not having street parties] has been awash with flags and bunting in peoples gardens and more than a few of us were enjoying a nice family barbecue.

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Rangers are a football club built on the backs of the protestant and unionist communities of Scotland and Northern Ireland, so I think that to try and untangle our shared history with the club is not only unnecessary but offensive. I have no problem with losing certain chants or songs because they are not appropriate and to be honest they don't represent my religious views. There are of course other songs both Protestant and British which have a place in our support.

Untangle? Things move on, evolve naturally surely, it's not about what's gone before but what's happening now and in the future.


This idea that to identify with Protestantism and unionism means that your bigoted or intolerant is quite honestly a load of s**te. A Rangers supporter who is Roman Catholic, a Muslim, a Hindu or an atheist have just as much right to support our club as anyone else but that same right can't be withheld from the Protestant community.


I understand that some dislike the place that Protestantism and Unionism has in the history of our club but I think after more than a century of support from that community we have earned our place at the club. We are not something to be ashamed of, we are not Rangers football clubs dirty little secret and our beliefs, heritage and principles are not wrong.

If a Muslim started bringing their religion into their support of Rangers I think a lot of people would have a problem with that, if a Roman Catholic did it I don't think that would go down well with some either. It's not that it's a dirty secret, bloody hell could it be any less of a secret, it's that it's inappropriate. There are other, more obvious vehicles for religious or political views than a football match, or messageboard for that matter.


People should look to the other clubs in Scotland out with Rangers and celtic and see their position, fan base and trophy cabinet because without the Protestant and the Roman Catholic communities that is the position Rangers and Celtic would be in. It is said a lot that clubs should be steeped in their communities, it seems that idea only changes when the community is protestant.

I don't accept this at all. Rangers are based in the the most populous part of the most populous city in the country, there was a fair chance we would have enjoyed a lot of success and support no matter what. We claimed our place among the games elite in this country through hard work and skill on the pitch, well before any 'Protestant' association was made with us. How can you say that Rangers would not have become the countries most successful club anyway?


I don't care what faith or political ideology someone belongs to so long as you have a love of Rangers and stay loyal through the good times and the bad ones then I would be proud to stand in Ibrox and support Rangers with you but I will not apologise for my beliefs and I will not stop celebrating my heritage. A great many people have sacrificed their lives to allow me and others that freedom.

By all means stop the add ons to legitimate and legal protestant songs, I am even happy to focus more on Rangers songs based in football but other songs have a place in our stadium and our song book.

But why at a football match? Why celebrate 'your heritage' there. Why not at a church or in a political party and celebrate football and sport at the game? No one is asking for you to apologise for your beliefs just not to impose them on those who might not share them.


Rangers may not be the sporting wing of a political religious group but look at the foundations of the club, they are red, white and blue with a healthy colouring of Orange.

What are the Orange links to our foundations, genuine question?


One Scotland, many cultures or was that just for other people ?

Why say that, are you not able to express your culture, that seems a remarkable view to be honest?

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If Lafferty was Jewish and got married in a Baptist church, it would matter as much to me as him being protestant and getting married in a chapel. Problem is it really does matter to people like you.


Who are people like me ? after all you already said i was a bigot.


You seem to know me after a handful of posts on here.

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I wish they would investigate more the Sfa top man thinking one of our players should be Hung'


But hey if this gives the OP the chance to call us bigoted fools why not.


Seems the OP thinks everyone should think his way or be labeled Bigots good that he decides what does and what does not a bigot make.


I think the scum and the catholic church have done a very good job with the weak minded and bereft of thought brigade.


Who are people like me ? after all you already said i was a bigot.


You seem to know me after a handful of posts on here.


Dont see anything that would see me labeled a Bigot here or to be termed"people like you".

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Guest Xander1873

Untangle? Things move on, evolve naturally surely, it's not about what's gone before but what's happening now and in the future.


I attach importance to the past.


If a Muslim started bringing their religion into their support of Rangers I think a lot of people would have a problem with that, if a Roman Catholic did it I don't think that would go down well with some either. It's not that it's a dirty secret, bloody hell could it be any less of a secret, it's that it's inappropriate. There are other, more obvious vehicles for religious or political views than a football match, or messageboard for that matter.


There is nothing inappropriate about the songs I sing. I wonder what is worse the bile shouted at opposition players at all football grounds or the legitimate songs the majority of our support enjoy singing. I personally wouldn't object to a person of another faith expressing their beliefs, I never had a problem with the numerous Roman Catholic players who have served our club well.


I don't accept this at all. Rangers are based in the the most populous part of the most populous city in the country, there was a fair chance we would have enjoyed a lot of success and support no matter what. We claimed our place among the games elite in this country through hard work and skill on the pitch, well before any 'Protestant' association was made with us. How can you say that Rangers would not have become the countries most successful club anyway?


We have had a protestant association for over a century, the majority of Scots were Protestants and attended the CoS. We may have found success but there is a correlation between the size of our support and the level of investment we can afford. If you believe the size of our support wouldn't have been affected if we had never had a connection with the protestant community, then that is naive.


But why at a football match? Why celebrate 'your heritage' there. Why not at a church or in a political party and celebrate football and sport at the game? No one is asking for you to apologise for your beliefs just not to impose them on those who might not share them.


Because I have a right to sing songs and express my beliefs in a host of places and until the law states that I am not allowed to then I will continue to do so. A lot of people do things which I don't particularly agree with but that is what happens in a democracy.


What are the Orange links to our foundations, genuine question?


You don't believe that the fan base who have helped to build this club has connections with the Orange Order.




Why say that, are you not able to express your culture, that seems a remarkable view to be honest?


My culture has been attacked continuously over the past decade. I won't stop singing songs or expressing my beliefs until such times as it becomes illegal.

Edited by Xander1873
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