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So is everyone buying a Euromillions ticket? The jackpot is about £92m tomorrow and so any of us winning it could easily bail Rangers out.


You could be Rangers' owner by next month...


Being on the board will give you something to do part time when you quit your job and give you a whole new circle of friends.


You could also sort out all the problems you think the club and team have from a fans' eye point of view.


Or, we could all give the RFFF another two quid each - at 250k people that's another half million. Or is it better to have 250k potential lottery winners?

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For me it would be a no brainer. I'd be investing at least £20m which leaves £70m odd to invest and a return of only 5% gets you £3.5m a year - and of course you'd get some accountant to organise your tax avoidance...


That should be enough to take care of you, your extended family and a few close friends.


You don't have to know how to run a club as you hire a CEO and other people to do that for you while you learn enough ropes to be on the board and have meaningful input without having to be an expert or business mogul. You'd probably privately hire a personal accountant and advisor so no-one pulls the wool over your eyes.


Winning that much money and so quitting your job and losing a lot of your friends could be boring and lonely. I'd say owning Rangers would a great solution to that. All you need to do is get the fans on board, prop up the capital and dilute your shareholding with a share issue which is FAIR and accessible to the fans, and set forth a plan where the club is run within its means.


I'd probably do that while putting another £20m into a charity foundation which spends the interest on good causes while I act as a similar unpaid figurehead.


Between the two plus my many, many hobbies, it would be difficult to be bored and have you'd have a hell of a social life - which is always easier when you're the big shot everyone wants to meet.


Or you could do a "king of chavs", squander your money in so many years and then end up begging for your old job and wondering where all your friends are...

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