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I think last nights defeat to the hands of a SFL Div1 side is the final straw for many a Gers fan. We now demand action.


We are not calling for the managers head, we simply want answers as to what direction our club is going. The Chairman or sidekick must at least make a statement on issues on and off the park.


On the park - what is going on? The average street cleaning fan (no offence to a street cleaner) can clearly see holes in the team that the most sought after young coah in Europe cant.


Our defence is a shambles and cant win a football in the air, something so simple as that!


Or midfield is once again lacking in numbers and most of all shape. That has been a massive problem for a couple of years now! Its not rocket science.


Upfront its either 1 or 2 strikers but its guarenteed to be someone different every game.


We demand answers!!


The players and manager also need to give us answers but we want the talking form them on the pitch against Dunfermline on saturday. Anything less than a spirited win is not good enough.

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It seems to me the Chairman keeps hoping that we'll get a win in the next game to take a bit of the heat off. Certainly it's worked if we've played in the UEFA cup as we've done comparitively well but last night was unacceptable.


PLG seems to have problems with motivation - time for Super Ally methinks.

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