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We Are Rangers Super Rangers

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No-one likes us we don't care.........................



I always knew this but maybe we should change the words to everyone hates us?.


The scale of hatred being shown towards Rangers FC from almost every club and fans is quite astonishing.

Hate is a very strong word and one I use very sparingly but there is no doubt we are seeing the word in it's truest sense coming from the other SPL clubs and their fans,they want us dead,finished,such is their hatred for Rangers.

Is it really just because we are the biggest,most successful club in Scotland?,or is it a lot deeper,other reasons?,I don't know but I hope we remember the hatred directed towards us when we get all this mess sorted and start building again and taking our place at the top of the table of Scottish football.

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It stems from jealousy. I actually find it flattering in a way, as it's obvious the shadow we cast over the rest of Scottish football is longer and darker than any of us imagined.


If Man U were in the same position i'd bet the Liverpools, Man City, Chelsea fans etc would be very similar

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It's got to be said though that our supporters have played probably the biggest part in any hatred. There are too many that are simply not likeable and then the majority jump on their bandwagon.


Supporters tend to try to live up to their image and Rangers fans like to live up to the "nobody likes us" aspect. All the "proddy", Ulster, Unionist, Tory party stuff is alienating even to me and really, who likes anyone with an attitude of "I will do what I want no matter who it upsets"?


Then there's the kicker: the complete lack of respect for the other teams in the league by our fans which borders on contempt. It's akin to how English people sneer at Rangers and the rest of Scottish football and is the main reason I can't stand English football and love their national team to lose.


A big part of the problem is that as fans we've been pretty shit and are reaping what we have sown.


The thing is that Rangers fans on the whole have great qualities and often these are expressed in the immense support of the team and generosity to charities etc. We also have a far great sense of sportsmanship and integrity than our greatest rivals.


I'd like us to reinvent ourselves in the secular aspects of the spirit of William Struth but I think most fans would find it too "goody goody". But then, that is the immature mentality that so many have - they want to be bad-ass and then get whiny when their victims kick them when they are down.


As the biggest and most successful club, we can either be great, benevolent leaders, or supercilious bullies. Unfortunately we seem to like the latter.

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I don't see the problem with it, most of our support buy into it and if the Timothy was in a similar position, they'd be getting it tight from all quarters too.


Disagree completely. They have many more friends than us nationwide from the media, within football and government. We are hated on a huge scale.

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