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Why would a CVA be rejected?

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The criticism of Green and McDonald from Sheffield seems mainly to be that they did a poor job and made bad decisions


My take on what Green did @ Sheffield, is more that he made decisions that the fans didn't like, but ultimately benefited the club - I don't know the full story on what when on, so I may be wrong!!!!


Making decisions that the fans don't like, and making bad decisions are 2 completely different things!!!

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My take on what Green did @ Sheffield, is more that he made decisions that the fans didn't like, but ultimately benefited the club - I don't know the full story on what when on, so I may be wrong!!!!


Making decisions that the fans don't like, and making bad decisions are 2 completely different things!!!


Green sounds like he did the job he was brought in for keep the club afloat, McDonald seems to have had a dose of the Murrays full of enthusiasm to start with and when the gold egg of the EPL didn't happen he lost interest.

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My take on what Green did @ Sheffield, is more that he made decisions that the fans didn't like, but ultimately benefited the club - I don't know the full story on what when on, so I may be wrong!!!!


Making decisions that the fans don't like, and making bad decisions are 2 completely different things!!!


And I think the difference is that most Rangers fans are now realistic and know the kind of decisions that need to be made. We're now far more in tune with the finances at our club, together with the dangers of overspending.


We've had ten years of it culminating in what we have now so we're well conditioned to not have pie in the sky expectations.

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And I think the difference is that most Rangers fans are now realistic and know the kind of decisions that need to be made. We're now far more in tune with the finances at our club, together with the dangers of overspending.


We've had ten years of it culminating in what we have now so we're well conditioned to not have pie in the sky expectations.


As you say, I think the fans are more aware of the financial state, and are aware that tough decisions need to be made. However, that doesn't mean that they will accept those decisions if/when they happen.

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My take on what Green did @ Sheffield, is more that he made decisions that the fans didn't like, but ultimately benefited the club - I don't know the full story on what when on, so I may be wrong!!!!


Making decisions that the fans don't like, and making bad decisions are 2 completely different things!!!


There is just a small chance that Craig Whyte did the very same. 18mill debt cleared with Lloyds and run up 15million debt leaving a profit of 3million and you can add a probable extra 75 million on to that. Then he sells his shares for the 1 pound he bought them for. I feel there is a puppet master pulling some strings to be honest.

Or am I getting carried away with another conspiracy story? Just a thought.

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There is just a small chance that Craig Whyte did the very same. 18mill debt cleared with Lloyds and run up 15million debt leaving a profit of 3million and you can add a probable extra 75 million on to that. Then he sells his shares for the 1 pound he bought them for. I feel there is a puppet master pulling some strings to be honest.

Or am I getting carried away with another conspiracy story? Just a thought.


Was chatting to a couple of the mates at the weekend about this, if get out of this smelling of roses do we call Whyte a hero or a crazy stooge.

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Again, I'm not convinced it's as simple as that.


Already we have Green and D&P both saying a CVA is unlikely (I wish the admin would make up their mind) so perhaps a newco remains the likely outcome. Also, as mentioned in another thread, what happens with the BTC should a CVA be successful?


I had heard they both said it was very likely to be agreed. Now that really is covering all bases! The BTC is 100% guaranteed to be included in the CVA no matter when it is published. HMRC cannot wait until this CVA process is over then hit us with it. If they delay too long they will end up getting nothing for it as their claim will be too late. They are simply a creditor in all this. It is up to creditors to put their claim in for monies owed by the business entity that existed at 14 Feb 2012. If the BTC does go against us, all that will happen in reality is that HMRC will have more than 25% of the debt and would be able to reject a CVA on its own. From what we have heard for months now, HMRC are not as worried about the payment of tax from the result as the result itself which allows them to go after the big boys for the big money, and would be comfortable with any realistic deal offered.

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