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The truth about TBK bid

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The OP was critical of TBK:


"Do TBK really believe that they should be allowed to purchase RFC for an initial investment of £2M, plus add-ons?"


I thought the OP was a well articulated summary of what i've read elsewhere. You may disagree, but if so, point out the flawed logic or incorrect facts, don't just start slinging insults.

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Ok mate seems we dont need to worry about the pish from the people in the know as of this morning.


But 1 point, you really would ban me for pointing out the op is pish ans spin? Sad if true mate i think i have proved several people on this site have been nothing more than a mouth piece for TBK, if that makes you unhappy thats your problem mate not mine. I will never just sit back and let people get away with what they have been up to from day 1 so ban me if you want mate. I would rather be truthfull and get banned that stay on a site that would be like FF if you dont play the tune of the admin.


You obviously havent read Tannochsidebears article , no one cares more about the Rangers than him and to try and put him in the same category as some of the idiots on other forums is just plain stupid , he has never had and never will have an agenda other than whats best for Rangers

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Like most I won't even bother to read that but unlike most I won't be polite by ticking thanks'


You that tosser guardian and your group of other assorted (only 8 here thank god) have done untold damage on Rangers football club and will disappear like snow off the dyke when things warm up next week! Rangers will be dead partly thanks to your divisive drives! (Btw the divisive role of rm - that cunt won't be able to flog the site for a penny when RFC are dead)


For those polite people that clicked 'thanks' I'll attempt one last time to get through to you!


I read the last paragraph as I looked over the names! This simple idea of (btw not sure why he has 'simples' as a byeline surely Simpleton' is more apt) his that TBK's just put up £8m hard cash can be shot out the water relatively quickly:


As the whole game is in the hands of dodgy crooked bastards D&P it's easy for them (without giving details away - respecting confidentiality hypocrisy and other crap etc bla bla bla) to turn and say someone has put up more... only for this 'bid' to be... 'Scared off' or other assorted piss excuses! That's the truth and these guys don't wanna play that game of raising their bid and raising their and r... for the simple reason they've done it! D&P's can play that game from here to doomsday what is the outcome???


You surely must know the answer but for the 7 followers of the simpleton and his pal let me spell it out THEY SIT BACK SAYING THE SAME OLD LIES AND WHILE THAT IS HAPPENING THEIR BANK FILL ANND FILL TO THE TUNE OF £400,000 PCM!


Saving Rangers is not just about putting a pot up for the creditors (the recent statement from the RST shows the score) it's about taking the club forward! Green or some other dodgy Landoner will put up a bigger pot for one simple reason THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO SUCH INTENTION!



Edited by A Horse With No Name
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Like most I won't even bother to read that but unlike most I won't be polite by ticking thanks'


You that tosser guardian and your group of other assorted (only 8 here thank god) have done untold damage on Rangers football club and will disappear like snow off the dyke when things warm up next week! Rangers will be dead partly thanks to your divisive drives! (Btw the divisive role of rm - that cunt won't be able to flog the site for a penny when RFC are dead)


For those polite people that clicked 'thanks' I'll attempt one last time to get through to you!


I read the last paragraph as I looked over the names! This simple idea of (btw not sure why he has 'simples' as a byeline surely Simpleton' is more apt) his that TBK's just put up £8 hard cash can be shot out the water relatively quickly:


As the whole game is in the hands of dodgy crooked bastards D&P it's easy for them (without giving details away - respecting confidentiality hypocrisy and other crap etc bla bla bla) to turn and say someone has put up more... only for this 'bid' to be... 'Scared off' or other assorted piss excuses! That's the truth and these guys don't wanna play that game of raising their bid and raising their and r... for the simple reason they've done it! D&P's can play that game from here to doomsday what is the outcome???


You surely must know the answer but for the 7 followers of the simpleton and his pal let me spell it out THEY SIT BACK SAYING THE SAME OLD LIES AND WHILE THAT IS HAPPENING THEIR BANK FILL ANND FILL TO THE TUNE OF £400,000 PCM!


Saving Rangers is not just about putting a pot up for the creditors (the recent statement from the RST shows the score) it's about taking the club forward! Green or some other dodgy Landoner will put up a bigger pot for one simple reason THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO SUCH INTENTION!





Can someone please decipher this into english .............................. are you on drugs pal

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AHWNN......he's a couple of points for you to ponder!!!


My views of Kennedy & Murray were changed somewhat after seeing their press conference - I thought they presented themselves very well, and came across passionately. However, you simply can't get away from the facts.


They are putting in £5.5m immediately....this will probably equate to between £2.5 & £3.5m for the creditors pot - to cover debts of £55m (approx 6p to the £)!!!! This is then topped up by conditional extras over the coming years. At that rate, HMRC would be due something like £840k (from initial £14m debt) - would you accept that???


Add to that, that BK's bid also included money due to the club anyway (£3.9m) - this cash is due to the club regardless of who the owner is!!!!


They are making a point that they will be covering running costs until the CVA is agreed - surely that will happen with any new/proposed owner????


Simply put, TBK's motives are right - they clearly want what's best for the club, but they want it @ a knock down price!!! If they had simply put more cash into the creditors pot straight away, they would have had the keys to Ibrox by now, but they chose to go down the "deep pockets, short arms" route!!!

Edited by Darthter
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You obviously havent read Tannochsidebears article , no one cares more about the Rangers than him and to try and put him in the same category as some of the idiots on other forums is just plain stupid , he has never had and never will have an agenda other than whats best for Rangers


Mate i have read the op and i will stick to my view if thats ok?


I dont know the guy but he seems to be a good Rangers supporter, but people seem to think that if you are a fan or claim to be one of Rangers you are just a good guy and nothing else. I'm not saying this guy is a good or bad guy but we have to wake and accept that we have people in our support that are putting themselves before the club, it's a fact.

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Mate i have read the op and i will stick to my view if thats ok?


I dont know the guy but he seems to be a good Rangers supporter, but people seem to think that if you are a fan or claim to be one of Rangers you are just a good guy and nothing else. I'm not saying this guy is a good or bad guy but we have to wake and accept that we have people in our support that are putting themselves before the club, it's a fact.


The main part I disagreed with you on was your assertion that Tannochsidebears piece was all about spin or as you put it pish and spin , where as IMHO it was a very well balanced piece , I do agree that there are an element that were desperate for TBK's to win , however that now appears to be in our past .

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Like most I won't even bother to read that but unlike most I won't be polite by ticking thanks'


You that tosser guardian and your group of other assorted (only 8 here thank god) have done untold damage on Rangers football club and will disappear like snow off the dyke when things warm up next week! Rangers will be dead partly thanks to your divisive drives! (Btw the divisive role of rm - that cunt won't be able to flog the site for a penny when RFC are dead)


For those polite people that clicked 'thanks' I'll attempt one last time to get through to you!


I read the last paragraph as I looked over the names! This simple idea of (btw not sure why he has 'simples' as a byeline surely Simpleton' is more apt) his that TBK's just put up £8m hard cash can be shot out the water relatively quickly:


As the whole game is in the hands of dodgy crooked bastards D&P it's easy for them (without giving details away - respecting confidentiality hypocrisy and other crap etc bla bla bla) to turn and say someone has put up more... only for this 'bid' to be... 'Scared off' or other assorted piss excuses! That's the truth and these guys don't wanna play that game of raising their bid and raising their and r... for the simple reason they've done it! D&P's can play that game from here to doomsday what is the outcome???


You surely must know the answer but for the 7 followers of the simpleton and his pal let me spell it out THEY SIT BACK SAYING THE SAME OLD LIES AND WHILE THAT IS HAPPENING THEIR BANK FILL ANND FILL TO THE TUNE OF £400,000 PCM!


Saving Rangers is not just about putting a pot up for the creditors (the recent statement from the RST shows the score) it's about taking the club forward! Green or some other dodgy Landoner will put up a bigger pot for one simple reason THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO SUCH INTENTION!




If ever one post highlighted the toxic effect of spending too much time on the Hollow Swallow site, this is surely it.


Don't allow yourself to get too carried away at 1:00. You'll need to stay sober to join the convoy tonight.

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