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Utterly divided support

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Yes. Why would I not, have heard it before as well.


I think history shows a great many people said things, but intended a completely dfferent course.


Kaiser Willhelm being one.

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I quoted your post verbatum. You have since added to it. If you are not a supporter of the RST why are you so streniously defending them.? I only ask as you seem to be pushing and pulling on the same chain.


Apologies, I'm on my phone and posted by mistake.


I'm not strenuously defending the RST per se, I'm defending the right of all groups/individuals to have their say on the club they support and love. People may not like what they say, but that's life.

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Truly pathetic those banners, whoever it was. Truly pathetic that on Forums people were gving out Bill Miller's email address and asking all fans to ask their questions. No offence but do people think we don't have knuckle dragging f_cktards as supporters then they are kidding themselves.


People need to either agree that the club needs saving and support the people trying to do so, or they should simply shut up.


An ironic, "Physician heal thyself moment" if ever there was one.

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Because they are talking out as if they talk for all. They do not. No group does. Yes they have a right to aire their opinions, but certainly not as "we the Rangers fans".


I have no fear of them or what they say, I am a member of none of the groups/affiliates/trusts. I do not need some apparent despot telling me what to think.


They are failures in that they believe they speak for the majority - they all say they do. They do not.



I can't think of any fans group that has ever said that they speak for the majority. Maybe you should join one of the groups and try to make a difference rather than moaning about it on an anonymous internet forum. Just a thought.

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The RST are not to blame here. Along with the other main supporter's organisations they backed the BKs. They did that openly and transparently. What has transpired today suggests that they were right to do so. To blame Miller pulling out because of a few banners and some nasty emails is stretching credulity. IMHO, Miller backed out because his business case didn't stack up. It really is as simple as that.


Searching for scapegoats amongst other Rangers fans really isn't good enough.

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This thread, as reasonably debated as it has been, just highlights the splits.


I don't know who came up with Rangersfamily; possibly some well-intentioned individual trying to bring us all together after we went into admin - but the factions, disagreements, divides, arguments, squabbles and in places personal insults show there really isn't one.


We're not bad people by any stretch, but there's no family. Just some distant relatives who support the same cause but completely stubbornly disagree on how to get there.

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I can't think of any fans group that has ever said that they speak for the majority. Maybe you should join one of the groups and try to make a difference rather than discussing our own points of view on an anonymous internet forum. Just a thought.


Fixed that for you.


Which one should I choose?


I am leaning towards the Billy Smarts Circus cavalcade associate trust affiliate club. I might aswell join all the other clowns.

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This thread, as reasonably debated as it has been, just highlights the splits.


You started the thread intending to highlight splits. You called the thread "Utterly divided support".

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Zaps, I think it was more than obvious that this was my intention. To highlight the splits. In fact, well done on noticing the point?!


I've got to be frank Danny, I really think threads like this actually promote the idea of a split and fractured support beyond what it IS in reality. We all want the best for the club and neither recent events nor future events will change that. We have a common bond and a shared desire to see the club come out of this mess.

Edited by Zappa
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