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he's definately not the best footballer in the world. but he'll do what nacho novo did since coming back into the team in italy.


give 110% and do a job. unlike the over-paid under-performing gutless shitebags we have currently transforming our great club into a mid-table side.


I'd think big marv would have sorted this weakness we have for crosses into the box

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Andrews is not the way forward but i think it is obvious we need a few defenders who are good in the air as on the ground. Hopefully Murray will release some funds in january, and le Guen will get it right this time.

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I think both Andrews and Boab Malcolm would have been assets to the team right now and shown how to fight for Rangers but agree they werent the way forward. We should be on the look out for the next Gough, in fact even a Craig Moore would be handy just now.


But all this is with hindsight. J Rod came good last season towards the end, and in Svensson we thought we were getting a good centre half.


Fingers crossed folks that JRod comes back again and Svensson turns the corner.

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We need a no-nonsense player like Big Marv to get stuck in, he was never afraid to put his head or foot in even if he knew he was going to take a knock.


I'm afraid I agree with Calscot, J-Rod never has come good yet other than looking a bit better than when he first came here. Part of the problem is that this now seems to be acceptable for Gers players. Standards have slipped.


Strange you bring up Boab, I seem to remember he came in last season when we were poor and stabilised things as a holding midfielder, just doing a simple, but effective job. Hopefully Clement can do the same for us this year.

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The bottom line is....if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.....how can you compete with the likes of Celtic, who seem to be able to buy who they want, when we are consistently scraping the bottom of the barrel for players.

WE NEED A BIG CASH BOOST.....!!!!!, Mr Murray step forward

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The bottom line is....if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.....how can you compete with the likes of Celtic, who seem to be able to buy who they want, when we are consistently scraping the bottom of the barrel for players.

WE NEED A BIG CASH BOOST.....!!!!!, Mr Murray step forward


I'm afraid that wont happen. Murray is looking to sell up so i cant see him making any major investment to our transfer kitty. Which PLG is in dire need of

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I'm afraid that wont happen. Murray is looking to sell up so i cant see him making any major investment to our transfer kitty. Which PLG is in dire need of


Exactly......that would put too much of a dent in his millions......it's his mess so he should fix it........if he was a Rangers fan he would....

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