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Walter Smith 100% Correct

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Could people at the club such as Gordon Smith, Andrew Dickson or Ali Russell have done more? Possibly.


Did they know the situation with respect to our tax evasion? Possibly.


Fact is - as with SDM - Whyte did the decision-making that counts so those are the men ultimately responsible. This doesn't mean the club should hide from censure - just that it should be suitable, credible and certainly accountable.

Edited by Frankie
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  chilledbear said:
It wasn't Rangers inability to pay bills, it was one mans deliberate decision not to pay bills.


Is that one man SDM or CW? It's SDM's deliberate decision not to pay tax on the EBT's that directly led us to the position we are in and opened the door for CW.

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  calscot said:
Is that one man SDM or CW? It's SDM's deliberate decision not to pay tax on the EBT's that directly led us to the position we are in and opened the door for CW.


As it stands right now....the EBT tax thing isn't an issue!!!


It has been CW's deliberate decision not to pay PAYE & NI amongst other things that have ultimately got us to where we are today.

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  Frankie said:
Could people at the club such as Gordon Smith, Andrew Dickson or Ali Russell have done more? Possibly.


Did they know the situation with respect to our tax evasion? Possibly.


Fact is - as with SDM - Whyte did the decision-making that counts so those are the men ultimately responsible. This doesn't mean the club should hide from censure - just that it should be suitable, credible and certainly accountable.


Gordon Smith has said on numerous occasions he wasn't aware that tax wasn't getting paid.

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  coolk said:
Gordon Smith has said on numerous occasions he wasn't aware that tax wasn't getting paid.


I agree - I doubt such issues were part of his remit but I'd be surprised if the board as a whole were not aware of certain practices. Equally, they may not have known which is why any journalist/authority should be concentrating on Whyte and SDM.


As much as I detest Mark Daly, I hope his forthcoming new investigation into the sale of the club tells us a lot more in that respect. If it does it may make the SFA/SPL punishments look even more punitive.

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  coolk said:
Gordon Smith has said on numerous occasions he wasn't aware that tax wasn't getting paid.


I have no reason to not beleive him about this but i think we should be asking the following question,


Who knew what was going on at Rangers after CW took over?


It could not have been just 1 man CW doing all this and hideing it, now he was the brains behide it but other people must have known and kept quiet.

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  Darthter said:
As it stands right now....the EBT tax thing isn't an issue!!!


It has been CW's deliberate decision not to pay PAYE & NI amongst other things that have ultimately got us to where we are today.


The EBT is the by far the main issue - in fact it's really the ONLY issue with all others being the EFFECT of this issue. It is WHY CW bought the club and WHY he didn't pay the tax - administration, CVA/liquidation and sale were his game plan BECAUSE of the BTC, and not paying taxes just allowed him to keep the club going with no cash input of his own and no real cash flow.


EBTs are still as much of an issue as any other including the unpaid tax.


Let's get this straight - we would be totally financially stable except for a potential £75m tax bill. I don't know what bit of that you don't get.

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  Frankie said:
I agree - I doubt such issues were part of his remit but I'd be surprised if the board as a whole were not aware of certain practices. Equally, they may not have known which is why any journalist/authority should be concentrating on Whyte and SDM.


As much as I detest Mark Daly, I hope his forthcoming new investigation into the sale of the club tells us a lot more in that respect. If it does it may make the SFA/SPL punishments look even more punitive.



Frankie, i’m no businessman but surely there was an accountant doing the books? I doubt CW was doing them himself? With the monies involved at Ibrox i’m sure there’s more than one at Ibrox. He must have instructed someone,”don’t pay the tax or NI on anything”????


There must be a few squeaky bums in the accounts department? Surely the police, fraud squad or who ever looks at that side of things from the Government must be looking these people out? They can’t be hard to find?


Edit= i’ve tweeted david Hiller asking the same thing

Edited by Bears
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  Bears said:
Frankie, i’m no businessman but surely there was an accountant doing the books? I doubt CW was doing them himself? With the monies involved at Ibrox i’m sure there’s more than one at Ibrox. He must have instructed someone,”don’t pay the tax or NI on anything”????


There must be a few squeaky bums in the accounts department? Surely the police, fraud squad or who ever looks at that side of things from the Government must be looking these people out? They can’t be hard to find?


And I suspect, although I have no evidence to back it up, that this is why information was being regularly leaked to certain bhloggers.

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