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Unity, War and Peace

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Judging from the forums, things have stepped up a gear since last night’s bombshell. I note the tentative efforts to advocate fan unity, and am in total agreement. I’m not holding my breath as yet, but we may yet be surprised.

With regards to the SFA and the yet to be announced SFL sanctions, I think it’s pretty clear to us all that the opportunistic mugging we are suffering has got to stop. It’s also pretty clear to this Bear that the SFA and the SPL administrations are not fit for purpose,are either hopelessly biased or scared of standing up to outside driving forces. That they have failed to facilitate a way out of the mess we are in is a scandal. That they have chosen to actively participate in attempting to emasculate us is – in my mind – an act of war.


Scottish football isn’t in a good place, and ignoring all the recent superficial empty rhetoric – Scottish football needs a strong Rangers and the generous pockets of a strong and willing Rangers support.

There are a lot of angry Bears out there today. Actually, I think that today is the closest we will ever be to unity, so how do we fight back?


Firstly, can I repeat what I said last night? The idea of a protest at Hampden on Cup Final day is ludicrous. It will achieve nothing to our advantage, and merely pitch most of Scotland against us. I beg whoever is pushing this knee-jerk agenda should seriously reconsider. We have to look at our objectives, and judge what the most effective way to reach them is. A messy protest spoiling other fans day out is not the way to endear ourselves to anyone.

So – how do we go about bringing pressure to bear?


Let’s take the ultimate last resort sacrifice first. Leave the SPL. The effect would be that Celtic (major behind-the-scenes movers and shakers in all of this) will no longer be part of a duopoly. The other Clubs will change the voting structure, and gradually grab more and more power and money. Celtic’s influence will diminish; they will tire very quickly of Regan and Doncaster, who will eventually be found out by the other clubs. And us? I think that – whether lower English divisions or 3rd division up here – if we can keep a big motivated support together – we will manage quite fine, thank you. With the right business model, we could make good money out of media rights and sponsorship in our fairytale rise through the ranks.

However, that’s the drastic option.


The easier one I see right now is to focus on the money trail, and to do this, we need to show the highest degree of unity that we have ever shown, and target all the key players.


There are a whole load of sponsors and partners who can be targeted, however, by smart use of email copylists, one email copied in to all and sundry would get the message out. I would strongly suggest not blaming any partners or sponsors. Merely say that you are closing ranks, and any disposable cash you have will only be going to RFC until the situation has been remedied. You find it morally abhorrent to financially support a company/organisation while this witch hunt continues against RFC. Of course, you should note that you have previously been a dedicated customer of their products/services.

SFA: Let them know thatwe will boycott all sponsors. We will boycott all away games. We will boycott all Scotland games. We will continually lobby until the organisation is reformed and a more balanced administration is put in place.


Here’s their sponsor page: http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish_football.cfm?page=3305


Then let all their other all other football clubs in Scotland know about your action. Let them know about the boycotts and the reasons. Let them know what outcome you want for you to return to the fold. No fudges. Pure and simple. An even playing field. Remember that some Clubs may (or will) find themselves in the same situation in the future. Would they want to be treated the same way, or would they like to be extended some support?


SFL: Although they haven’t made their big moves yet, I’m convinced they are considering their options and will join in the mugging. Their lack of help has been staggering. Let them know that we will boycott all sponsors. We will boycott all away games. On the main page of their website, you’ll find clickable links to all the main sponsors. http://www.scotprem.com/content/

Again, let all the other all other football clubs in the SPL know about your action. Don’t forget to copy them in.


The Media: Scottish newspapers in particular have had a field day out of all of this and their sales have seen a surge since administration. Personally, I haven’t bought a newspaper in donkeys. Unanimous boycotts – or synchronised daily boycotts of the press would get a major message across.

Scottish Government: This year the Government sponsored the Scottish Communities League Cup to the tune of £1m. A letter to your First Minister explaining your previously supportive voting patterns on Holyrood elections and your supportive intentions for the independence referendum and stating your intention to jump ship will not go unnoticed if you are joined by the majority of a united support.


SKY/ESPN: I’ve talked about sponsors throughout this post, but SKY and ESPN are the daddies. It’s important to give up subscriptions and to let the CEO (not the call centre) know your reasons. Scottish football will be in dire straits without their sponsorship, and their sponsorship is dependent on our fan base being customers. While we’re at it, get your local Bear-friendly pub to join in the boycott, cancel SKY and let them know why. Help to arrange Bears afternoons at the pub instead of watching football, so that the pub doesn’t miss out financially.

I’m pretty sure not all will agree with me, and, in no way am I trying to dictate what anyone should think. I’m sure I’ve missed some angles, but essentially what I’m trying to do, I guess, is sow a seed of unified effective action which is non-harmful to our image. There is plenty valid evidence out there that we are being shafted in this period – or at the very least,certainly that we are not being supported. I for one have had it up to here.


The time has come to show how much money we put into the game, the time has come to wield our power, and the time has come to bring about some reform of the institutions which have sought to destroy us.

Edited by bluebear54
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