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RFC in Court tomorrow?

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This whole thing stinks to the highest, it's quite clear this has been a stitch up from the word go. As Nacho says the SFA/SPL have just ploughed straight in claiming something must be done because of public perception.


The thing about perception thou is, if the public are only hearing the Celtic/Media led clamour for punishment and not the whole story then any punishment melted out is biased to say the least.


I'm truly disgusted by the whole of Scottish Football this morning, it's one of its darkest moments when it could've been one of its greatest. Imagine the other scenario if you will, crook buys a member club and screws them over but the said club is saved from disaster by the rest of Scottish Football and the SFA who bring charges against said crook and chase him out of the football world forever, this could've happened very easily and could've been the making of the SFA they would've been hailed as the saviour of not just the said club but Scottish Football as a whole and Regan could've wrote his own ticket. Why was this not the first route taken but the only route taken the answer is easy and it's one word.




Instead we get the hatred and backstabbing that really only does exist in this backward little country we call home. A term that is quickly losing any meaning for this Bear it's not home anymore it's just the place I live in. Do these people ever pause to think what the rest of the world looking on in bewilderment as they dig our grave must be thinking. I find it hard to believe that at the back of their small minds a little whisper isnt continually nagging at them (what are you doing, what are you doing) or has the lynch mob shouts reached such a level that all reasonable crys of sanity are drowned out it would appear so, if any such crys ever existed in the first place.

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Opposed meaning somebody wants us wound up instead.


Hmmm not sure.


I think it's possibly just a procedural hearing to extend the current court order for D&P. HMRC may be opposing just like the last time.

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