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John Bennett Withdraws from The Blue Knights Consortium

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I think this whole thing has been blown WAY out of proportion & I think that everyone should be using their time & energy on something more productive rather than harassing someone for posting information on a forum.


Most of the posters having a go just joined up to gersnet for that reason mate...they'll be gone as fast as lemmons treble.

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Most of the posters having a go just joined up to gersnet for that reason mate...they'll be gone as fast as lemmons treble.


If a few people joined up just to post a comment or twenty about this Bennett thing that's up to them 54.

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Yeh? So? They'll be gone.


I don't think it's right to lump all new members into a "they" catagory. There's been some superb and very worthwhile posts from new members in recent times.

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I don't think it's right to lump all new members into a "they" catagory. There's been some superb and very worthwhile posts from new members in recent times.


I'm only talking about this thread...if you check back it looks as though there's a lot of new posters coming on to this thread and disappearing. Maybe they'll be back tomorrow, but only on this thread to have a go at BH, that's all I'm saying bud.:smokin:

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And it'll happen again whilst the current situation goes on. Good guys, Bad guys...that's what the forum is all about. Right Zap?


The forum is about discussing Rangers and all of the club related issues.

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The forum is about discussing Rangers and all of the club related issues.

And bad guys and good guys. No?

I've read many a thread where some who discuss Rangers and club related issues get slated for their post. Nothing wrong with that.

As I said. Good guys Bad guys. Like the guys who sign up just to slate BH, they are the bad guys, right? That's what comes across.

Good guys, Bad guys. Simples.

The Guys who came on about Tannochsidebears 'exclusive' slated him to no end, and no wonder, yet he was defended, same as BH with his rant these guys dont come back.

That's all I'm saying Zap, no need to get all authoritative.

We are all in a bad mood, it's not just you bud.


You would have a helluva job dealing with all those 'new' posters if 'they' stayed on here mate.

Edited by 54andcounting
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I told him that I would be posting details of the conversation on Gersnet this evening and he agreed


Sounds to me you left him with no choice. He knows the power of the internet and will have known that the news of your chat may well have “leaked” anyway. You had him backed into a corner with no where to go

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It is unfortunate that either thread on this bizzare subject has been allowed to see the light of day.


You should know by now that this forum is a place for adults - a place where all issues and opinions can be discussed maturely.


I'd suggest that BH has made a serious error of judgement in publicising his problem with Mr Bennett. Now, we could have deleted that error of judgement or we could discuss the point he was making in our usual sensible way. I'm not sure anyone would have gained from hiding the issue. If anyone has lost out from this farce, it's BH as his own reputation is taking a hiding right across the Rangers supporting community. Deservedly so in my view.


As for those elsewhere taking a gratuitous and ill-informed pop at this forum (or indeed myself) because of this issue, well that's also rather disappointing. Neither this forum (or myself) profess to be perfect but we will never apologise for promoting open discussion and encouraging a wide range of topics and opinions. Not doing so would be the wrong thing to do as I've never seen a bear online incapable of defending their opinion or themselves where appropriate.

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