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Whytes demands - according to the sun

Guest carter001

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Cheers mate, it's clear he wont get that. Can we assume all this pish in terms of demands are to get more money to get him to fuck?


Possibly but there is no bottomless pit of cash for him. And that's without considering the fact most fans won't want him given a penny.

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Possibly but there is no bottomless pit of cash for him. And that's without considering the fact most fans won't want him given a penny.


Yeah but he will use anything to put pressure on the buyer to just pay him to get lost. Lets be honest the fans can want what they want, but CW will get paid to leave.

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I can assure you the claims are (at least partially) true.


He wants to retain a 25% holding and representation on the board (I wonder who he'd choose for that - not), 2 director's box tickets and a cash settlement. Is it any wonder our chums from Asia walked away so annoyed that week? Especially when Tickets and D&P said they could deliver Whyte without such nonsense.


Article in The Herald has Whitehouse claiming that they did nothing with regard to Whyte's shares because Ticketus told them not to!

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Article in The Herald has Whitehouse claiming that they did nothing with regard to Whyte's shares because Ticketus told them not to!


Both Ticketus and D&P are strangers to the truth.

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I genuinely have no idea what the hell is going on and I'm trying to keep up.... Mainstream media reporting isn't helping as all the different issue just morph in to one. The only reason we're in administration is because of the way that Whyte ran the club after he bought it.


How can he not have legal responsibilities to answer to here given he deliberately withheld tax, thereby putting us into administration?


The actions of a single man have ultimately brought the club to its knees. Where was the due diligence from David Murray and how have the Sfa escaped from attention given their fit and proper test was a sham?


The previous board members also have a case to answer here because before Whyte came along, they couldn't seem to decide if the club was doing ok financially (paying bills, reducing debt slowly but surely etc.) or financially doomed, a message they even got Walter Smith to get behind at times, knowing the fans would listen to him. We've been taken for chumps and worryingly, some of these characters are still around and interested in taking the club forward.


Without total disclosure about the off-field affairs and figures of the club over the last few years, I don't trust anyone to be honest and I find it surprising to see so much backing for bidders at times, even moreso when you factor the ticketus fiasco in to things. Why are we even dealing with ticketus? They were duped by Whyte as much as anyone, so given how this panned out, why are some parties keen to do a deal with them?


I hate to say it, but is liquidation the only real option here? Are we not just delaying the inevitable, because it's such a tangled mess, are we maybe going to be better off going the newco route so we can start with a clean slate? It may not be the "proper" thing to do, but unless those individuals responsible for getting us in to the mess stand up and do something to make amends, we're going to be saddled with the end product of their dereliction of duties for years to come. If we're not going to be competitive, why not use the next few years to build from the bottom and live within our means and also see how the spl does without the club and the fans money?

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