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TBK have won, named PB.

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"won the race to take over Rangers" - this statement makes my heart sink. Not the fact that TBK's are preffered bidders.. but the fact that our club became a 500k raffle ticket, not just any raffle either.. the sort of raffle when you try to work out if the ticket is worth the prize aswell! It just tears me apart.

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That is the "official" line as the fee still has to be paid and a couple of minor details to be ironed out, as I said in the OP, but I stand by the OP as far as I know it.


Can I repeat my earlier question: why would the millionaires of the TBK's expect Ticketus to pay the fee?

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Can I repeat my earlier question: why would the millionaires of the TBK's expect Ticketus to pay the fee?


I don't speak for TBK, and asked the same question. I'm told the whole thing about the cheque was a bit of a red herring and I know for a fact a cheque was written by one of TBK for the full £500K and would have been passed over if Ticketus hadn't tried to jump ship to ng.

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Why won't they require repaying?


My info was that as long as you gave them the same rights and assurances they held under the previous regimes, none would realistically want their money back.


You are better placed to answer your own question though BD, what's your thoughts on that scenario?

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Funny how they only come up with these new groundbreaking rules when it's us thou. The new rules proposed are for one thing and one thing only to keep Rangers hogtied and with as little money as possible in the SPL to keep Sky and the sponsors happy it's there for no other reason.


No liquidation, no sanctions. Suits me down to the ground.

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And it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and.....droll,droll..and droll


Get a grip....Stoap fuckin' doubtin'.:disgusted:

Edited by 54andcounting
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Maybe take out the acoustic myself "WE'VE been through the desert on a horse with no name..". Now, although we're not out of the (desert) yet, but we're in with a fighting chance!


Old band mate's guitar teacher was one of the players from America. I still see him out at the clubs sometimes, don't know which fiddler it is, though.


Drank much and played my arse off for a good 90 minutes. Friends of mine had a little get together at their home studio. Just the kind of wind down I needed after the shit show this week has been. Couldn't find a sweet spot on the rig I was plugged into though! Drove me mental, went from tinny to extreme crunch in no time flat. I finally just stuck it in one position and let it ride.

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No liquidation, no sanctions. Suits me down to the ground.


Watch what happens on the 30th if it looks like we are getting out of this mess unscathed. New proposals will suddenly appear to punish us further they all want their pound of flesh and they won't be happy until they get it.


I dont think for a minute we won't get a points deduction and reduction of prize money for next season no matter what happens.

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It wasn't my proffered bid as I was slighting to the Ng bid simply because I thought they had more money and I don't trust Ticketus as far as I could throw them. Well as others have said hopefully the TBK's will prove all the doubters wrong and go on to sort things out.


Just for the record not everyone who argues against a certain point is an idiot or a numbskull. You are detracting from your own post by inferring that they are.

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